Still Dreaming.....
I Bet you cannot tell, Dear Readers, whether I have added any details at all to Saint Bridget in all the time I have been on my "break"! It quickly became clear to me that just managing the essential tasks of each day was going to tax my abilities to their limit. The message was clear. I was going to have to be a "Patient".... and wait Patiently as my body healed! Not easy. Not fun. But necessary. Yet it did not mean I was unable to Daydream.... to add to my wish lists.... to think a thousand times "if only"....! And because everything takes twice as long to do with only one hand, I was really kept very busy... very slowly just getting the basics taken care of. I could not wait to get the cast off.... only to learn how incredibly weak my hand is now! I am slowly (Patiently?) gaining the strength and dexterity in my hand.... but it will take some time before it is as good as new. Even so, yesterday I decided to try to open those tubes of paint... the ones that get stuck tight if they are not opened frequently.... and to my surprise I was able to twist off the caps! I started with the black paint..... it has a large fat cap with a good grip.... and perhaps I could even remember a few places I needed to apply some black on the Castle Hall Ceiling.... still sitting there Patiently awaiting my return!
Ah, the Joy of it!
Perhaps you do not remember me mentioning that
I still needed to add details to the trees where the hunters are riding....
Above you can see it before I added anything.....
And here are the Plowmen, needing details in their clothes.....
And the Shepherds too....
the trees and the clothes all need work.
And here you can see I have added black leaf details....
And in the grass I have added some daisies.....
And with the Huntsmen too.... leaves and daisies....
Such a trifling detail....
Here you can see it even closer...
I know it doesn't look like much.
But Oh, it feels like an enormous step!
And yes, I added black to Saint Bridget too....
Outlining her halo, her torch, the church,
and even the folds of her cloak!
I never would have Dreamed, Dear Readers,
that so little would feel like so much!
And I am still Patiently Dreaming of all I will be able to do...
as I regain my strength....
Patience is indeed a virtue!