A Little Surprise!
Imagine my SURPRISE, ;) Dear Readers, when I came down to my kitchen this morning and found this tiny note propped against my tea mug! I almost overlooked it, except that the TABLE was clean so it was clearly visible against my dirty mug left from the night before....! I opened it straight away, and this is what I found inside......

In case you cannot read the tiny print, I will tell you that it says:
"Dear Daydreamer,
Please join me to look at sites for weddings.
Let's meet at the Castle.
Yours, Pollyanna."

Oh, how SWEET, I thought! This will be really FUN! We can start to plan the wedding right away (so I have an idea of what I am getting in for....!) and she can let me know what sort of things SHE'S thinking of! This WAS going to be fun!
But since she hadn't mentioned a time to meet (Does TIME matter to the dolls?) I decided to have my tea and run a few errands first. Then I would be free to spend all the time necessary just planning weddings! But one thing led to another and before I knew it it was getting LATE! So I hurried on over to the CASTLE!
Guard Ian met me at the door.....

I could hear all sorts of Noise coming from INSIDE the Great Hall..... That's funny, I thought, Pollyanna didn't mention other people coming to look too...... The Hall was ALL lit up! And FULL of people....

Why, it looked as though MOST of the Dolls had gathered..... and were sitting at tables....

And then I looked up and saw Henry motioning to me and saying "We saved you the BEST Seat over here!"

It was then that I noticed a Banner overhead that said "HAPPY"........ That's a nice touch, I thought........

Then I saw the OTHER Banner, right over my head, that said "BIRTHDAY"....... Oh, how SWEET, they're having a Birthday party, thought I........

And THEN I heard them shouting "SURPRISE!" And "Happy Birthday, Daydreamer!"

WHAT? A SURPRISE Birthday Party For ME?
Oh My! OH MY! I NEVER would have imagined this!

But HOW did they know when my Birthday was, I wondered? When I asked Pollyanna she said she heard from Arthur...... He said to Plan a Party at the Castle for Daydreamer's Birthday.........

When I asked Arthur he said Ken had told him we needed to get ready for a Party at the Castle for Daydreamer's Birthday........

When I asked Ken, he said he heard from Guard Ian that there was going to be a Party for Daydreamer's Birthday and we'd better get ready......

When I asked Guard Ian how he knew he said he'd heard from Kix the Stable Boy that the Daydreamer was having a Birthday Party at the Castle and we'd better be ready.....
And when I asked Kix, he shrugged his shoulders and said he'd heard from Henry that there was going to be a Birthday Party at the Castle for daydreamers........

And when I asked Henry he said Belle had told HIM She'd had a daydream that there was going to be a Party at the Castle for Someone's Birthday........
And when I asked Belle, SHE said she'd heard OLD MEG say "Beware! The Birth this Day of Dreams! There will be a Party at the Castle! Beware!"
Ah, Old Meg! Old Meg KNOWS things........

Even though she never leaves her hearth.....

But Belle was much more interested in the porcelain plate in front of her than in any old sayings from Old Meg...... she has Never seen such plates before!

And now that the Party was truly happening..... people were starting to eat and make merry!
It looks like Chip has had enough to eat for now.....

And the littlest children are starting to get restless..... they are pestering their parents......

The Time Traveling Ladies are even here! They look so Lovely in their gowns!

And Helen and Charles are having a good time too..... is Charles about to make a speech?

But wait, WHAT has caught Henry's attention...? He looks Astounded...!?

Oh My GOODNESS! Look what they have brought in!

A Huge (Little) Birthday Cake just for Me!

So, did I make a wish before I blew out the Candle? .....

Of Course I did! But I can't tell you WHAT I wished because that would break the spell....!

Can we EAT the cake now? The children are wondering...?
( They have never SEEN so MUCH Cake!)
Yes, Please! Have some Cake! You Too, all my Dear friends in Blogland!

You ARE Invited!
(Even though my real birthday is tomorrow....
it is a work day so we had the party a day early!
I AM SO glad you could come!)