The Trouble with Suits, Dear Readers..... is that they make me want to make almost ANYTHING ELSE but them! So I will begin tonight with a little Diversion. You may Remember that the setting of the DATE for the Wedding was being held off until Arthur's Father could be Located. He is a lepidopterist...... and travels extensively in search of new Species of butterflies to study. Everyone had Thought he was in Africa..... but it turns out he was finally located in South America deep in the Jungles!
He is here now.... may I introduce you to Harold?
Can you see the family resemblance?
(Of course, now I have ANOTHER suit to sew.....!)
Arthur is very Happy that he is here!
But PLEASE, Don't tell Celeste....
it is better that she doesn't find out until the last minute!
(I'm sure it will all work out alright....... It IS a Wedding, after all!)

I started in bravely on the jacket for Arthur's tuxedo..... fitting the sleeves first.
I'm sorry I didn't take any pictures of the patterns I made... I simply traced around the parts of the jacket he already owned..... the casual one..... and used that to cut the pieces for the jacket.

I tried it on Arthur.....
Only to discover that it was TOO BIG!
It looks Terrible.
Because I think it fits Will just about right!
And cut all the pieces a tiny bit smaller.....
and stitched them and hemmed them and pressed them......
and then tried them on........
And I think that looks MUCH Better!
And I think that looks MUCH Better!
So they really button.......

Meanwhile, I KNOW that Some of you have been wondering
WHERE your Invitation was.....
Well, until they Found Arthur's Father,
they were Reluctant to send out the Invitations!
But now that he is here,
the Invitations are ready!
And just in case they get lost in the mail for being so tiny...
I will show you here.....
And just in case they get lost in the mail for being so tiny...
I will show you here.....
sorry about the blurry photo......
(And the sloppy writing....)
(And the sloppy writing....)

(Yes, I know... it is very rustic and home-made looking.... they are all hand-lettered!)

And just because I Know you are being SO Patient,
waiting to see the gowns for the bridal party...
I will give you a Quick peek at the Flower girl.....
Annabelle is ALL dressed and waiting!
I STILL have more suits to sew!
They're really Quite Challenging!
They're really Quite Challenging!
That's The Trouble With Suits