When Elves Come to Play....
Well, Dear Readers, I hope you will understand that I fully intended to get my work table cleaned up and "fully operational" for a New Year's blitz of project progress in every possible direction! (New Year's Optimism is going strong!) And step One of this clean-up required that I "Tidy away" a few incomplete little items I had added to the mess in recent weeks under an excess of "Christmas Decoration Mania"! I refer, of course, the The Teeny Weeny Secret Books kits by Robin Betterley that I had finally begun on Christmas Day itself. And there were the beginnings of those two Tiny Elves which I had rashly started to construct using the "glue trick".... just waiting for the paint.... and the tiny kitchen stove still didn't have the Teensy tiny gingerbread houses painted and those itty-bitty little plates that needed to be cut out and added to complete this tiny kit.... would I ever find all these bits and pieces, let alone finish one single tiny kit if I "tidied them away" now.....? (What a silly Question!) It was obvious that it would not take long to paint such tiny figures....(and surely then they would at least be visible!) So out came the paints... Above you can see I painted the heads and hands a flesh color.

And here you can (sort of ) see I started to paint their faces and legs.....
Meanwhile I also started to paint the teensy-tiny gingerbread houses....
I placed them on a strip of double sided tape so they wouldn't get lost!
Here you can see I added some glitter to the "snow" icing on the houses!
Next the Little Elves got their tunics painted green!
And here I am starting to add the hair...
it is just six strands of regular sewing thread...
glued across the top of the head.
And here the second one is started....
You can see I trimmed one side of the first one...
so I could use the remains on the second one!
And while the hair is drying,
I cut out the itty-bitty tiny plates and "cupped" them...
see them there on the mat?
I need to make sure they fit right above the "stove".
Now both the Elves have had their hair trimmed...
they just need their "shoes" added....
which required a little bit more glue in the toes!
And they needed caps...
these are just a tiny scrap of paper toweling
cut in a cone shape and painted red.
While it is drying I shape it slightly into a rounded cone...
and glue it to the head.
And both the caps are attached!
And then I got a bit carried away, Dear Readers,
with the assembling process
and forgot to take any pictures for a while...!
Here you can see the Elf on the Stove... (not the shelf!)
So it can reach the shelf-top of the Stove...!
As well as the Teensy-tiny Gingerbread houses in place,
two on the top and one on the base.
Also the little plates have been attached to the wall.
And the Elves' "shoes" have been painted too!
I confess that there was some anxiety on my part
about whether the whole arrangement
was going to fit inside the Book Cover....!
It is only 3/16 inch deep!
I had to flatten the Elf as much as possible
and it barely slides in...!
Here is the decorated "Stove" inside the Book box...
And the little rustic stool positioned beside it...
All it needs is the second Elf...
(but first I had to give her a glitter frosting covered knife...
because she is still decorating the gingerbread house!)
Like so...!
And does it fit inside the Book Cover....?
(Well, I had to bend her foot back a tiny bit...!)
But yes! It Fits!
Boy, that was fun!
But..... Wait a Minute....!
I looked over beside my shoulder and noticed a strange sight...
What's this..." More Elves...??? I thought?
Whoa.... ! Look at them all.....!
How many are there....?
Who started this Mischief anyway...?????
Well, Dear Readers, I suppose you can imagine
that I did not get Any progress made
on cleaning off my Work space for
New Years projects...!
Maybe that is just what Happens
when Elves come to Play!
Maravillosos elfos!! El orden en nuestros espacios creativos cuando la imaginación desborda es...imposible!!
Oh Betsy, you look so much like me, I can't clear up things in the middle of a making process either, because of fear I will lose things (who are important to the project), especially the teeny tiny bits ;O! So I do fully understand your way of thinking AND handling and how glad I am you didn't put these project things aside!
ReplyDeleteBecause these elves look stunning, soooo teeny tiny and wee cute. They even got hair on their heads... It must have been a meticulous job to do this but the result is amazing.
How naughty is the elf, who is dancing on the stove :O) I confess that I thought that the other elf on the stool was chasing after the one on the stove....but with a knife?? Not on Betsy's blog so hmmmmm: maybe it was time to put on the translator *sigh* and yes, it was not what I thought HAHAHAHA, but the idea was funny.
But after all the silliness, dear Betsy: your Christmas projects are stunning and lovely work, and I do so admire your patience and skills!!
Have a lovely day, and lots more adventures in miniature (for sharing with us, please).
Warm hugs, Ilona
Wow! Very tiny and beautiful.
ReplyDeleteOh, Betsy! I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so tiny and wonderful! I’m in awe of your talent and patience. And imagine my delight to see all the other elves that appeared as if by magic!
ReplyDeleteHas logrado un trabajo precioso, los kit de The Teeny Weeny Secret book son todos muy bonitos . Gran idea la cinta de doble cara . Te esperan una pandilla de elfos :-)
ReplyDeleteWOW! Your skills and patience are amazing. I cannot possible imagine what a steady hand and sight one must have to be able to paint these wee items. I love your happy elves. I note many more elves on their way and look forwards to seeing them in future scenes.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Drora
Oooookay... I know I'm very, very, VERY late this time to drop by to comment. But dropping by now makes me angry, VERY angry! What's wrong with you, Blogger??? I've already commented on this post at Jan 21st and checked if it appeared this time and it did... but now it's gone? Why??? And why me??? Why are the other comments still here and mine vanished??? And even more why on Betsy's blog? Is this your way to tell me my comments are too long, Blogger??? Ha, I've got news for you... I've made a copy of my comment!!! In your face, Blogger, now this new comment will be even longer than it was back then! Here it comes:
ReplyDelete"I'm still grinning because of Ilona's comment saying at first sight of the pictures she was afraid that one elf was trying to stab the other with a knife... apparently because of being naughty dancing on the stove. *LOL* Yes, let this be a reminder that just looking at pictures without knowing the full story or having background information can be dangerous...
And about your question "Who started this Mischief anyway...?????"... well... I know the answer... we all do... but I'm not going to say this aloud due to reasons of privacy... *grin* But I wonder now if the one who started this *eh* mischief seems to have plans about creating as many teenytiny elves as she drew on the 2024 You-know-what-card. And I remember well there were surprisingly many of them on that wonderful card... well... we'll see what you're up to now. Who knows... perhaps one of those teenytiny future elves will build a teenytiny snowman in the snowy landscape of the other secret book "Winter Wonderland" from the author Frosty Snow (I love this kind of humour).
But before you're going to reveal the secret what these future elves' destination may be I please myself admiring the awesome result of turning this Secret Book into an ooak. What a relief that it still closes... I can imagine your tension... and the happiness when it worked so well. And I will not only cherish this awesome result and the fact that you managed to create the most detailed, beautiful and terrific miniminiminiature elves (Real hair... sure... why am I not surprised... *LOL* Only you would ever dare to try this) but also the fact that you even put glitter in the icing of these extremely tiny gingerbread houses. And I know how tiny these are... good thing to use doublesided tape.
And now I'm curious to see what more will happen when elves come to play... Whatever you're doing next will bring some rays of happiness to my life. And even if you decided to finally clean up your desk first... well... this will enable you to work even more Betsy miracles. Sadly this is a task (I mean the cleaning up part, not the miracles) I still have to face myself... *gulp* And apart from the amount of the piled stuff on my desk... eh... I wanted of course to say apart from the amount of creative ideas lying on my desk I too know this anxiety well... this special "Will I ever find this piece again"-fear. Because in my personal case I always remember where the piece was before I put it into a safe place for further usage... but I hardly remember how this safe place looks like... *sigh*
(Who really, REALLY hopes that my comment won't vanish into Nowhere again... anyhow... I still have a copy!!!)
Dear Birgit, I am truly surprised at this happening! And dismayed! I love your long and very well thought out and often helpful comments! I remember you alerting me to the "missing comment" and I went to that section in blogger and approved that comment! And it was on the blog too! I checked! But I didn't go back again later... and didn't see that it had gone missing! I can understand your anger on this and am glad you have made copies... as i said, I love your comments!!! So let's hope that it will stop disappearing the comments! Meanwhile, I will try to review it more often too.
DeleteWhy do they keep "improving" something that is working well already? No... don't answer that, I know it is because the cell phone must have its say in the matter. Believe me, I am not a fan of the almighty cell phone! Grrrr. So now let us se if my comment posts! LOL!