In Spite of the Weather....
Have You noticed, Dear Readers, the gradual returning of the morning sunlight? The Conservatory has been asleep, it seems like forever... but a few weeks ago, I noticed the early rays of morning sunlight shining on a tiny pot of snowdrops! Oh, how I long to see some snowdrops! At the moment, they are buried under mountains of snow in my RL garden, so I will not be seeing them soon. This picture was taken a couple of days before "Groundhog Day" (which is really Candlemas but it is not known by that around here). In this part of the world, a very important Groundhog (woodchuck by another name) comes out of his burrow on February 2nd, and if he sees his shadow it will be six more weeks of Winter. If he doesn't see his shadow... it will be an early Spring! This year he saw his shadow... and yes, we are still being Slammed by Winter! We just endured a very windy three days and two nights, and we were lucky that all we got was lots and lots of snow and sleet... ice and freezing rain had been predicted, but we stayed just cold enough to spare us the ice!

The view from my window the morning after the sleet...
And I stepped outside to get a few pictures but it was very windy and very cold!
But inside the Conservatory.... we can Dream of Spring ...
And perhaps begin to plan the tasks for this year....
And even enjoy the sight of little bunnies frolicking in the flowers...
Even though in RL they are an annoying pest in the Gardens!
It has been so cold in RL, that it is a bit chilly to work in my downstairs studio...
so I have focused on the stitching (when I wasn't cowering from the Storm!).
I have made good progress!
Here you can see the first two cushions are completed!
(At least, the stitching part is.)
And I am starting the outline for the third cushion!
There were four designs in the original set,
and then Mary Corbet designed a fifth one
which, of course, I had to have too!
I started the next one right away!
And I am stitching the Deer Cushion...
mostly because it is the one I have already printed the chart.
You can see I am making it "upside-down"
compared to the other two...
this is strictly because it is easier for my hand
to reach the stitching area in this direction...!
It is an 8" hoop and reaching all the way across is challenging!
And I just Know you will not be surprised that I had to add another Deer!
I tried to tell myself that I should just go with the design as it is....
but there is all that room....!
I took out my graph paper and colored pencils
to see if it would work.....
I needed it to look a little different...
but tried to keep it really similar to the first one.....
I cut it out and tried to find the right position on the printed chart...
And decided pretty quickly that She was a Doe...
so no antlers were needed!
And I decided it was a "go"
and all I needed to do was carefully mark
where it sat on the chart...
(I ended up taping it in place.... carefully so as not to damage the chart)
And got right to the stitching!
Of course, I made an error early on with the counting...
and didn't catch it until waaay too late to unstitch...
something about the position of her neck...
which means the whole rest of her body
ended up being farther to the left than the design had suggested...
but no matter, she fits!
(I was going to have to adjust the placement of the blossoms anyway!)
And that's as far as I got, Dear Readers,
Stitching Millefleurs and Bunnies and Does,
And Dreaming of Springtime
in Spite of the Weather!