Is Progress....
I am making good Progress, Dear Readers, with the tiny cushion stitching, in spite of only being able to stitch for a couple of hours a day. The stitches are so tiny, I have to have very good light, and around here that means for the morning. The days are getting longer, but the evenings are still pretty long and dark. I content myself with gluing Rhododendron leaves onto stems in the darker hours. In the above picture you can see I have outlined both the deer with the darker red color, as per instructions. I have also begun to stitch the flowers, starting with the ones on the original chart which I would not need to move! Also adding the new blossoms into the extra corner areas. Once I realized how many flowers I was going to have to move... I decided I needed to draw the chart for them, otherwise, I would be hopelessly lost when it came to the background stitching.
I started with drawing in a few of the small blue flowers that would not need to be moved.
And gradually adding more that needed to be moved from the original chart position. And began the stitching of all the flowers.And here is a picture of the growing bunch of Rhodie stems with the leaves attached!
And I added the dark red outlining to the chart showing the new flower placement.
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