And The Christmas Card...
I Thought you would like to see, Dear Readers, the completed Sky on the petit-point Christmas Tree Skirt. Yes, I did a lot of stitching on the weekend. I do think it looks lovely and as Birgit has commented, the way the sky shows off the Snowman and the Snowdeer are particularly satisfying. All that remains to do is the snowy ground around the border, and since I was not-commuting to work this morning I made a start. I thought it would be easy, just add the white in the circle shape, but discovered that it was Not easy at all! Making the circle edge completely round is a delicate mix of ever changing rows of stitches, and counting the correct number of stitches for each row requires that you know exactly where you are on the chart at every stitch! Yikes! After the easy task of just filling in the sky background.... making the snowy Ground required vigilant attention.... and lots of taking out stitches!
Here you can see the Snowman and the
Snowdeer with the finished sky.
Here you can see where I have started to add the snow.
And at a certain point I realized that I
needed to stitch the outer edge first,
making a "line" at the edge that
I could fill in afterwards.
It was easier to count the placement of the edge stitches first...
Until I came to where I had added
the Cavorting Deer to the design...
and I am afraid I made them a little too frisky,
and they overstep the border edge of the snow!
Even though I had drawn the deer onto the pattern guide
within the snowy edge,
when I was stitching I did not stick exactly to my drawing.
You can see in this closeup that I have had to "bump out"
the circle edge the littlest bit to fit around the deer!
I am hoping that once it is all stitched and hemmed,
it won't be noticeable at all!
But it has made it very difficult to get back to the
"proper edge" of the circle design.
But I am Sure that what some of you Really want to see
is the finished Christmas Card Drawing.
The Post Office delivered it in Record time so here it is!
Please judge it Gently, Dear Readers, as it is not the Prettiest of my cards.
But it was not a pretty year and we all struggled to cope
with more changes and more danger than we ever imagined.
As always it is pen and ink and watercolor on paper,
drawn to actual size of the printed cards, 8.5 by 11 inches.
I did not count the hours this year....
nor did I count the trips up and down the stairs
to double check my details....
And there is at least one glaring mistake!
But I hope you never notice it!
Stay strong and stay well, Dear Readers,
and I hope you are Comforted by the
Glimmers of Hope for this New Year!