We Had Sew Much Fun....!
I had a week of Vacation, Dear Readers, and by Far the best part was the overnight visit I had with my sister who was visiting her grandchildren not too far away. I brought her to my house so we could have an overnight and get caught up on the Minis. Of course, she also visited my overgrown garden, and I snagged a good picture! We spent the evening of the first day looking at all the Big Mini projects I have underway.... not a small undertaking! Fortunately she is a Happy participant in the process. And the next morning, after the garden tour, she was poking around in some of my boxes of parts and pieces of in-progress builds... in this case, The Sugarplum Studio, aka The Dollmaker's Studio parts and pieces, and discovered a couple of little doll kits I had forgotten I had! They are also by Sandra Morris of Tower House Dolls, purchased at the same time I purchased the petite "Atelier de la Poupee" Vignette Kit which has become the "Dollmaker's Studio" project. We took one look at each other and agreed instantly that we were going to make them right away! The kits were to assemble a little Victorian Porcelain doll with all the bits: shoes, stockings hat wig and gown! They were alike but not identical. It took us less that five minutes to get started!

The kits are wonderfully well made!
The instructions are detailed and full of closeup pictures.
All the parts and pieces are ready to use...
Here we go! Undies under way!
And with the bunka trims added...
But look... who do we see over there...?
Is she cute or what?
And stockings too....
but I think I didn't make them cover enough of the foot...
And the fashion show begins.....
Starting the shoes...
This made us laugh hysterically....
But all in a good cause....
Next they got some "soles"....
At about this point, Dear Readers,
we realized that the project would take
a little longer than we had assumed...
but we were enjoying ourselves so So much,
we abandoned all our previous schedules...
The day was ours!
Nothing was going to stop us!
And the kits were not identical,
so here the instructions diverged...
My petticoat was simple and traditional...
And by now she has acquired the name "Petunia"...
And her pleated skirt over the petticoat.
And the beginnings of stitching the seams for the jacket...
My sister's doll, Valerie, has the petticoat lace
as an over-layer on the skirt...
And her Jacket is edged with a picot braid!
Here is Valerie in her jacket....
before the sleeves are added!
Isn't she something???
Meanwhile Petunia's Jacket is getting sleeves....
You have no idea how difficult it is
to gauge the proper length for the hems,
and to turn them inside out!!!
Then the lace collar....
And Valerie is as done as we have time for....
It is time for me to return my Sister to her grandchildren...
My sister, who is a cancer survivor,
loves Valerie's bald look and might even keep her that way.
I had enough time to add Petunia's
buttons and picot trim before we drove off.
But didn't get a picture until much later
when I was home again and it was dark.
And the following day,
I completed her hair and hat...
A Much quieter, contemplative, process!
All those curls!
You almost hate to add the hat!
Until you see her with the hat, of course!
Ah, Dear Readers, the time went by Much to fast...
and was years overdue....
But look what I have to remember it by....
Welcome Petunia!
I had a Tiny visit with my sister
and We had So Much Fun!
She is asorable Betsy! And so great that you got to soend time with your sister making these tiny girls. Petunia will hold a special place in your heart and the doll studio!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely visit! I can't think of a better way to spend a vacation than sharing what you love to do with who you love! I am sure you share many special memories with your beautiful sister, and you two have created one more! The doll kits are really neat, and it sounds like the two of you made the most fun doing them together. I love Valerie's bald little head, though Petunia's ringlets are gorgeous, too! They are both so adorable that you just want to squeeze them! I love that each time you look at these lovely little dolls you will remember the fun time you shared!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful way to spend time with your sister, and what lovely little dolls were the results! Your overgrown garden is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteCan one imagine a better way to spend a visit (after a long time) of a loved one, than working together on such lovely projects?
ReplyDeleteThis post was a joy to read. It conveyes the immense pleasure you and your sister must have had being together, talking and working on such sweet dolls. Time well spent I'd say.
And look at the result. Petunia and Valerie are sweet little miniature ladies. Petunia would always make a very worthy addition to the Doll makersstudio. And now she has the added value of the memory of this visit by your sister.
Isn't it amazing that the memory of a wonderful, perfect day can be saved in two tiny dolls and will show up whenever you're looking at Petunia and Valerie?! I had so much fun reading this post and following the steps of the two dollies' development. My, this is incredible work and needs experts - for example sewing these tiny jackets... impressive.
ReplyDeleteThe little dollies are as cute as they are pretty and regarding their "size" it's amazing how detailed they are. You made a really good job dressing them and in your turn giving Petunia curls which would have made Shirley Temple green with envy. And it's a touching idea to keep Valerie bald in memory of your sister's big fight - and even more to remember she was the winner.
No doubt you spent the little time you had together in the best way you ever could... having now these two cuties as a permanent reminder of this lovely day. And in your case of course also a future inhabitant for the dollmaker's studio. It was also lovely to meet your sister and do I need to point out at all that I LOVE your beautiful garden???!!!
But sadly my selfish hopes of seeing Marmalade and Buttercup again were not fulfilled... which reminds me... More than half of the year is gone already so it's really time that some honey detectors show up here or otherwise there will be another C-card without any BiWuBeary showing up there. But who knows what "H" will bring us... and perhaps some voices in your head might start whispering "Wouldn't it be fun to return to the Cloud Palace again? The guys would love their barracks done... and Hamish will provide any builder with a good amount of Scottish biscuits"... *tweet* Okay, okay... at least I tried... and I just remembered that you can't re-visit the Cloud Palace at it might just be floating across the big ocean to bring the sound of tiny giggles to me... ;O) (Thanks for your comment - it made my day)
Have fun with the remaining stitches of your beautiful lady and don't forget to dive into your beautiful garden. I'm pretty sure the butterflies there will be giggling too...
What a great way to spend a day and how lucky both of you are to share a hobby. The little dolls are adorable!
ReplyDeleteHugs, Drora
Ooo what a sweet little doll and so beautifully dressed, your embroidery work is also very beautiful