Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Wiring Upgrades....



It had been a Very Long time, Dear Readers, since I had actually made any new "torches" for my castle! I had to research the methods I used when I first constructed them twelve years ago, digging back into my ancient blog posts. And I dug around in my boxes for all the likely jewelry findings to see which ones would fit together the best. The sculpey was still in good condition and didn't take long to bake up into a couple of "sticks" with a good hole down the middle to run the wire through. (This was made by wrapping the sculpey around a piece of coat hanger wire to shape it, then carefully sliding it off being careful not to collapse the central hole while baking.) Then the "sticks" got a coat of paint and the base jewelry finding "caps" glued in place. The bulb and socket piece needed to be threaded through the "torch" piece and into the "stick" before the "torch was glued in place without getting glue on the wire.


This is so the wire can be slid through the torch when needed to change bulbs.


Here it is getting tested in the Lord's Council Chamber. It works!



And both the new torches!


And in case you needed to "see" them... here with the flash...

Meanwhile, Dear Readers, the inside of the entry to the stables needed
 to be painted to resemble "rocks".
Sorry, I have to use the flash or you can't see much!
It is drearily dark here on a cloudy afternoon!

If you look carefully you will see all the wires are just temporarily "twisted" together.
 They all needed their joins "shrinktubed" to protect the joins.
 This took an entire day!

But it got done!
Notice all those wires with the shrinktubing at the joins!
The only light that is still in need of attention is the lantern in the Stables.
It has problems and will need to be completely dismantled.
 But considering that it was among the first lights in this Castle,
 I'd say that's not too bad!
Progress has been made, Dear Readers,
with the Wiring Upgrade!


  1. Oh the delights of shrink tube wiring! That's one of the next things I need to do too!

  2. The castle lighting has been such a labor of love, Betsy! The torches are so cleverly designed and constructed and make the ambiance so much fun! I love that wood look FIMO. The stones in the doorway are looking amazing, too! You have such a talent for painting! I can't wait to see the straw and horses in through the double doorway someday! As for all those wires... If only non miniaturists knew what we went through to create these settings they'd be peeling out grapes, lol! Great work!!!

  3. Your torches are so cool! The pictures in the dark are gorgeous, and I love the glowing stained-glass window too. I'm still so amazed by how much work goes into lighting a dollhouse. Your stonework is beautiful and looks like the real thing.

  4. It all helps Betsy. And getting the tedious jobs done really moves a project along. Well done on finding all your jewelry findings for the torches - I spend half my time searching for things.

  5. Las nuevas antorchas quedan perfectas! Que gran trabajo poner toda la iluminación, pero el esfuerzo se ve recompensado!
    Tanto la madera como las piedras tienen un aspecto totalmente real!

  6. ¡Un gran avance! Muy bien las antorchas.

  7. It was great to see how you're creating these stunning torches... and even more to see you rocking on. You are really on a flow with the castle now; making so much progress (it's really amazing as we all know how much time all these issues take). And all those wires... I get dizzy just looking at them... ;O)

