Monday, October 23, 2023



 In The Air...

It had Not been a Lovely Autumn, Dear Readers, Not at All! On the Contrary, it had been endlessly gloomy wet and stormy. One storm barely subsided before another took over the heavens, the leaden sky advancing relentlessly and unleashing torrents of rain, day after day! Is it any wonder then, that at the very first moment the sky seemed to lighten, Tommy was off on his pony Prince and riding across the meadows, the freedom of fresh air and the open spaces filling his heart with joy? He could not remember the last time it had been a sunny day!

And even though it was not exactly sunny now, 
he could feel the excitement of being free to go where he wished!

And as I am sure you can Imagine,
 there were few places he wished to go more than the Castle ruins,
 the place of Dreams and Adventures dear to the heart of any young boy.

And today he had managed to elude his pesky younger sister
 who always wanted to follow him!
He would have the whole afternoon to himself!

Or so he thought!
It had not been long after he left that Beatrice noticed he had gone.
She knew he would head for the Castle, 
he always headed for the Castle...

She had followed him there before....

It was a long walk.... 
but she knew the way!

And you Might be surprised that their sister Caroline
 had noticed they were gone and was determined to find them!
She was very annoyed that Tommy had let Beatrice go with him!
He knew they were not supposed to play in the Castle ruins,
 and it was very likely going to rain again before long!
Their cook, Mrs. Butterworth, said she could feel it in her Bones.

Their dog, Snowy, rushed up to join her as she was leaving,
 and she was  very happy to have his company.

 It was a long walk, and Snowy would be able to follow their scent.

And Believe it or Not, Dear Readers,
 they were not the only ones heeding the call to go outdoors
 the minute the rain paused as if to catch its breath!
Over at The Lovely Old Dollhouse, 
Arthur and Pollyanna were feeling 
the tempting whispers of Freedom beckoning,
 and decided to take a walk late in the afternoon...

It had turned chilly,
 so Pollyanna grabbed her new woolen cloak.
"Are you ready?", asked Arthur.
"Am I ever!" declared Pollyanna.

"Look how many leaves have fallen!"said Pollyanna as she stepped out the door.

"Well, it is about Time" declared Arthur.... 
"It is almost Halloween!" he added.

"Gosh, you're right," said Pollyanna, surprised,
"I've been so busy just wanting the rain to go away...
 I think I forgot that Time was passing!"

"I'll have to get the decorations out" she added...
 "maybe we can even carve some pumpkins!"

"Let's not forget to buy the candy...." added Arthur.

"I'm sure there will be a few Trick-or-Treaters out this year!"

 "Well, I know 'Somebody" will eat the candy..." said Pollyanna
"even if there are no Trick-or-Treaters" she added with a smile.

"Who,.... Me?" said Arthur incredulously.
"I only eat the Leftovers!" he declared.
"Well, I know it disappears awfully fast...." Said Pollyanna.

"Well,...." said Arthur..."Never until after the Castle Party is over!"

"Which reminds me....." said Pollyanna,
 "We need to choose our costumes too!"
"I think I'll be a Wizard again..." said Arthur smiling...

And not long after in the Lovely Old Dollhouse Kitchen
 Victor and Joanna were debating the same thing.

"What do you plan to wear for the Costume Party...?" asks Victor.
"I don't know," admits Joanna.
"Maybe a Gypsy.... or a Witch..." she says.

"I think you should be 'Maid Marion' ...." says Victor.
"I like being 'Robin Hood'...." he adds.
"But I'll be what ever you want....!" he says loyally.

And in the Living Room,
 Helen and Charles are debating 
whether or not to go to the Party this year.

"Do you think it will be safe to go....?" asks Helen a little anxiously.

"Well, my Dear..." says Charles thoughtfully...
"I think it will be as safe as anything ever will be...." 
"After all, we are all vaccinated... 
and if you are worried we can always wear masks..." he added.
"We could even go as bandits!" he added cheerily
"I think it will be fun!" he declared.

But back at the Castle, Dear Readers,
 the Wizard had been pondering the approach of All Hallows Eve...
and he was not so sure it would all be fun and games!
He could feel in his Bones the swirling mists
 of Enchantment that surrounded the Castle....
It was the Time of Year that the Dark grew stronger...
and the Spirits were abroad....
There was No telling which way the Winds would blow....
and there was Enchantment in the very Air.....!

( To be continued......)


  1. A nice story and beautiful pictures.

  2. This made my day! What a fun story and pictures! You could write a book!

  3. Oh the buildup to the annual Halloween party at the castle! So much fun! It is good to see familiar faces and to ponder what kind of mischief Tommy and his sisters will wander into again! I vote for Robin Hood because I'd love to see Victor wearing green tights, lol! You have done so much work on the castle since the last Halloween party that it will be exciting to see things all lit up again!

  4. A ver como termina esta historia de Halloween!!!

  5. Yippiiiieee... this is what I call the most wonderful time of the year!!! Whenever it's time for new parts of this ongoing, epic, breathtaking, awesome and most wonderful Halloween tale ever I'm happily anticipating what adventures are waiting this year for our little heroes.

    However, I'm with Pollyanna... I too have more and more difficulties to understand in which time of the year we are finding ourselves at the moment. It's the last day of October and I refuse to bring to my mind that this certain holiday at the end of the year isn't that far away anymore. I'm so behind of everything... but I can truly understand why Tommy had to jump on Prince's back enjoying some rare sunny hours (only that I would have to use them for making my garden fit for the winter *LOL*). Oh, and both sisters plus Snowy are way behind them... ah, I'm so curious to learn what adventures are awaiting them in the castle. And it is so heartwarming to see those other familiar old friends starting their Halloween preparations. But best of all - whatever will happen next I already know one thing for sure: All will be well in the end when the Deadly Nightshades start to rock the night away! ;O)

