Monday, October 30, 2023




When the Children's Father returned home that afternoon, Dear Readers, and found that Tommy's Pony, Prince, had come back without Tommy, he was worried. Tommy was a decent rider and usually had no trouble from Prince. But when he realized that Beatrice was also missing, he went looking for her older sister, Caroline to find out why. You can imagine that when he found no sign of Caroline or their dog Snowy, he became truly alarmed! This was beyond troubling! Caroline was so sensible and rarely went against the rules... where would she have gone? His wife, Charlotte had been with the baby all day, who was excessively colicky, and the Housekeeper had been at the market all afternoon. He was afraid he knew that the children had gone to the Castle Ruins.... they knew that was out of bounds! And on top of it all, the evenings came so early at this time of year and a storm was approaching.... he must hurry to find them before it was dark! He grabbed a lantern and headed off across the meadow.

He tried to comfort himself with the thought
 that their dog, "Snowy", was with them....

And that they had each other to rely on....
he Hoped they were safe....!

And I hope you will understand that when 
Caroline and Snowy had neared the Castle, 
Snowy had dashed ahead, following the scent of Beatrice,
 who had gone around to the cliff side hoping to find the caves.

Snowy rushed down the path right to the water's edge...
But Beatrice was not there....

He could not see her in the water.... or anywhere nearby...!

He would wait right here...! 
She would come back... he knew she would....!

As for Caroline, hearing the enchanting music,
 she had gone inside the Castle and found the little doll...

It was all alone in this Deserted old Castle Ruins.....
Oh how she wanted to pick her up and take care of her....!

She was heavier than Caroline had thought she would be....
"Just like a real baby...!" thought Caroline,
 who had been allowed to hold her baby brother JoJo.

But what should she do with her? Who did she belong to...?
Maybe she could find somebody who could help her....

Caroline turned for the door.....
But suddenly she began to feel reluctant to move.... 
She didn't know what to do or where to go....
And she hadn't noticed that the music stopped
 the moment she touched the doll...

Meanwhile, Dear Readers, 
you must have wondered where Tommy had gone?

Tommy had been to the Wizard's cave a number of times,
 so he knew the way.
He had been hoping to find the cave empty....
 because he knew it led to another cave...
 where the dragon had taken the sword...
Or at least he thought he remembered going there once....
but this time the Wizard was in the cave....

As though he expected to see Tommy...
and he was blocking the path to the other cave....

And he spoke! 
"Young man...." said the Wizard,
 "You will not find what you are looking for on this path..."
"Your task is not to find Treasure that is not yours,
 but to guard the the Treasure that is!"
Tommy had no idea what he meant.... but he nodded all the same.
"Your sisters,..." continued the Wizard,
 "Need your help and protection... 
if they are not to come to harm!"
"You will find them on the cliff paths... 
they are looking for you...." 

 Tommy turned and headed for the cliff paths....
he could hardly believe he was supposed to care what his Sisters did....!
But in his heart he was worried...
Beatrice was on the cliffs.... ?

Meanwhile, Deep in the heart of The Castle,  
Old Meg had felt the shift...

She nearly always could be found
 in her corner by the kitchen hearth...
 yet Sometimes.... 
she knew she was needed elsewhere...

 She could feel it in her Bones 
when trouble was afoot!
The Wizard needed her help with Potions...
The Children had strayed into realms where they did not belong
 and had seen that which they could not see!

She would need to dip her hands into the Spring of Dreams....

And chant a charm of "Forgetting"....
And summon the Little Dreamers 
from the Lands whereof they Dreamt....

And in that moment the Little Dreamers
 were standing before the Spring of Dreams...

She turned to the Little Dreamer Beth...
for even though she was blind... Old Meg could "See"...
"This potion you must carry to the top room of The Castle Tower..." she said...
"And tell the child you will find there
 that she cannot leave the Castle if she holds the doll!
 It is not of her Time.... it must not be done!"
"She must return it where she found it...." said Old Meg, clearly...
"And when she does, you must pour the potion over her head!"
"Only then can she leave and return to her Time!"

"And your sister..." she says, turning to Little Dreamer Amy,
"Must wait outside the Castle by the Cliffs... 
and tell all the children they are to not enter The Castle,
 and especially tell the boy he is to wait
 for both his sisters before he takes them home...!"

Little Dreamer Beth headed straight for the Castle...

She knew her way upstairs... 
she had been here many Times before...
 but there was no child in this room.... 
 was there another room above... 
she was not sure she had been up these stairs before....

At the top of the stairs she finds a girl holding a beautiful doll....
"Old Meg said to tell you the doll is not of your Time..." said Beth.
"You will never be able to leave The Castle as long as you hold her!
"You must put her back where you found her..." she added.

The girl said nothing at all... 
but turned and took the doll back...

At that moment, Beth reached out
 and poured the potion over Caroline's head...

As if in a trance, she walked out of the room....
She had not seemed to even notice... 
that the enchanting music had started to play again...

But Little Dreamer Beth had heard.... 
and was enthralled by the beautiful little doll....

Tommy had headed for the cliffs, Dear Readers, 
hoping he would not find Beatrice in danger!

He didn't see Beatrice anywhere,
 but he was a little surprised to see Snowy
 sitting on the rocks below!

"Snowy...!" called Tommy.... 
"What are you doing out here...?" he demanded
 as Snowy ran toward him. "Where's Beatrice...?" he added.
But Snowy could not answer him....

 And as you might recall, Beatrice had gone to The Cloud Palace
 with Hamish Harry 'Hotcakes' McCloud!
Beatrice had wondered about The Cloud Palace
 ever since she had heard there was such a place....
(she had not been sure it was possible!)....
But now she knew!
It was very beautiful... and airy..... and Cold!
And to tell the Truth... 
she was quite afraid she might fall off....
Clouds... after all... were not very solid!

Blue, the Blue Fairy Beary came to 
welcome Beatrice to The Cloud Palace.
"You are welcome to look around she said.... 
but I can grant wishes too...
(she was fairly certain that Beatrice wished she were someplace else!)

The only thing Beatrice could think of to say was 
"I want to find my brother Tommy!"
Suddenly there was a golden wishing star in her hand..... 
and in the very next instant.....

Snowy was running down the cliff path....

And Beatrice was there to meet him!
"Woo-woo..." said Snowy excitedly...!
He had found her!

"Woo--wooo-ooo!" he said louder... 
he was so glad to find her!
"Where have you been?!" declared Tommy,
 (he was a trifle upset.)
"I wanted to find you ..." cried Beatrice.... 
"but you were not here!"
"You are not supposed to follow me to The Castle...!" he said loudly.
"You are not supposed to come to The Castle either....!" she said.

Just then Tommy noticed someone standing on The Castle stairs....
"You must not enter The Castle..." she said.
And Old Meg says you must wait here
 for your other sister before you can go home.

Fortunately, they did not have long to wait....
no sooner had Little Dreamer Amy stopped talking,
 when Caroline appeared at the top of the stairs.

At last they could set off for home!
(Tommy wondered briefly where Prince had gone....)

When suddenly there was Papa coming towards them through the gathering dusk...

"Papa, Papa....!!!" cried Beatrice...
"We wondered where you were for so long...!"

"Well, you have found me...!" Papa declared, picking Beatrice up...
 she was much too little to walk all that way herself!
"And now you must take me home!" he declared. 
"We don't want to be late for supper!"

Well, I suppose, Dear Readers, you might think
 that is the End of the Enchantments for this evening...
But I must remind you that 
The Castle All Hallows Eve Party
 is just getting under way...!

Gabrielle and a few little Princesses are gathered
at the Gypsy's Fortune Telling table...
waiting to hear their Fortunes for this Night....

Helen and Charles have just arrived
 and Helen is a bit disconcerted to learn
 they are not the first guests!
"Are you sure we are not late, Charles?" she asks.
"I was so certain the Party didn't start until Dusk!" she added.
"Well, I'm sure everybody is as eager as we are
 to get here in Time!" said Charles soothingly.

Fleur has come as a "Lady's Maid" 
the better to look after all the little Princesses.

Fred And Cherie Aileen are a Pirate and his Moll....

Jack 'o Lantern is glowing away....

Snacks are available for those in need of.... Enchantment....
(Be Careful what you eat or drink on All Hallows Eve!)

Pollyanna and Arthur are ready for Magic.....

Sally May and Chip have arrived ... she's a Witch like her sister,
and He's sporting his "Award  Winning" Regular Guy costume!
(Although he swears he doesn't "do" costumes!)
And their daughter Annabelle....

 is the cutest Fairy ever!

Victor and Joanna are Robin Hood and Maid Marion....

And Great Aunt Agatha is lurking in the corner... 
keeping an eye on Stray Time Travelers...
She brought her pet Albino Spider along......

And above in the Gallery... everybody's Favorite band
"The Deadly Nightshades" are just getting started
 on a Wild Night of Rock and Roll Classics....

Shaking the Bats from the rafters....
with "Werewolves of London...." Awoooooo!

It seems as though everybody is having a Ball!

Except, perhaps, for the Little Dreamer Beth...
who can hear nothing but the Enchanting music played by the little doll!

Well, Dear Readers, they say that
 All Hallows Eve is a Time of Magic....
Spells and Enchantment are in the Air!
I hope you can come to the Party....
and Take a little Magic with you...
 Enchantment Forevermore....!



  1. This is a wonderful fairy tale, and it's perfect for Halloween! Your photos are so fun, and every scene looks enchanted. Thank you for sharing this and for setting my Halloween mood!

  2. I can only agree... All Hallows Eve is for sure a very special time, full of Magic, Spells and Enchantment... as you said. And all of this can be found in this wonderful, wonderful Halloween tale of yours. Once more my heartfelt thanks coming from the bottom of my heart - thanks for all the work, the effort and time this took... and my biggest respect for your storyteller skills and all those awesome photos full of atmosphere. The way you're weaving this tale year for year makes you the biggest magician of all!

    However it made me glad that Old Meg was once there to aid the Wizard - and it's so good that this wise and powerful woman knows that she can always rely on the little dreamers to help her making everything right again. And this time they also received some help from the outside... or I should better say from above. It touched me so much to see Blue handing out a helpful wishing star to Beatrice enabling her to get back to her family. My, Blue has really been busy this Halloween... she surely deserves some tea and cookies now (although there are rumours that she already enjoyed some tea and cake at the North Pole today).

    I only hope that Beth's (totally understandable) fascination with the tiny dollie and her enchanting music won't lead to new problems. Anyhow, whatever will happen will happen and I'm so very glad that there is always something going to happen... especially as long as Tommy will continue to hope to find some treasures. And one day he will finally understand what the Wizard taught him... that family is the biggest treasure of all. So lovely to see the siblings going home together with their Dad and their trusted dog. Well done, Snowy!

    But there are two things making me a bit sad... The first is that once more all those party guests had not the tiniest glimpse of a chance to win this year's award for the best Halloween costume once more. Very sad as everybody's costumes are gorgeous and awesome... but of course nothing can compete with Chip's amazing and outstanding "regular guy" costume. Wohooo!!! Once more the perfect choice, Chip!

    And the other thing which makes me a bit sad... perhaps you can guess it... well, this is the end of another wonderful episode of your epic Halloween tale. I've enjoyed it to the fullest so once more: Big thanks! And now I will enjoy the party... and of course most of all the great sounds of our most favorite rock band. And well done, boys... what a brilliant move to put "Werewolves of London" on your playlist... ;O)

    Awoooooo and big hugs... and of course Happy Halloween!

  3. Dear Betsy, how much I have missed during my absence! A whole saga no less. But I have caught up reading the entire story and I love it. You have such a lively imagination. I am always fond of your stories and this latst one is no exception!

    I hope you have enjoyed yourself a lovely Halloween.


    1. Hi Huibrecht! I read your post this morning, but I am currently not able to comment on many blogs! Alas, google says I can't sign in...! I want to tell you how beautiful I thought your purchases at the Arnhem Fair were! You really found some gorgeous treasures! I am hoping I can figure out how to comment soon.

  4. What a wonderful tale you told this year, Betsy! All the photos were wonderful! I admire how you set up each shot to support the story - it must have taken you so long just to dress and decorate the characters and the sets! The castle rooms were perfectly spooky thanks to the torches and how they created a mysterious ambiance! I loved the refreshment table with the jack-o-lantern, too! Thank you so much for this amazing contribution to our creative community! I really enjoyed it!

  5. Wow! what a wonderful Halloween tale! The photos are stunning! the whole saga is like a theatrical play.
    Hugs, Drora
