Wednesday, November 8, 2023




The Seasons changed rather abruptly in this part of the World, Dear Readers, bringing a shocking taste of Winter the day after Halloween. This following after weeks of warmer than usual temperatures and virtually no hint of frost. Fortunately, the offending white stuff melted rapidly, but it left that keen awareness of Impending Winter!

It definitely hastened the falling of the remaining leaves....
and turned my focus to cozy indoor pursuits!
Like stitching mini carpets...
You can see from the first photo that I have
 nearly completed the Baktiari carpet!
All it requires is the last couple of rows 
of edge stitching and binding and then the fringe.
I have been working on it all year,
 but had to "stitch less" while my
 sore arm was mending last spring.
And since it is so nearly finished, 
I have launched a couple of new projects to take it's place!

This is the very beginning of a quite Ambitious project...

This is another kit by Phyllis Stafford,
 who also designed the Baktiari carpet kit.
It is also stitched on 40 count silk gauze
 and the finished size will be 8x10 inches.
I expect this to take me a long time to complete, 
and I will warn you now that I am 
re-designing the central portion of the kit.
I just feel that the "central medallion" 
needs to be much more prominent.
And because this is one of those "tiny stitches" kits,
I also started a larger, easier on the eyes carpet kit.

I thought it interesting how similar the start was for both carpets!
This is another of Janet Granger's kits, a wool carpet...

It is unusual in that it is square and will be 9x9 inches when done.
It is described as a William Morris era style and the colors are quite bright.

As you can see, I've made good progress already!
(Sorry the photo is dark.... it's been a cloudy day...)
So that is my Stitching Update, Dear Readers...
Two new engrossing petit-point carpets
means Hours of cozy stitching 
Are in the Forecast!


  1. Hi Betsy, that Baktiari rug is really spectacular. The combination of colours is very appealing. I agree that with the(otherwise lovely) Phyllis Stafford kit the central medaillon is rather small by comparison. You almost have to look for it. The Janet Granger kit is an old favorite design. Good luck with making/ altering/ finishing these. All three will be stunning!


  2. Dear Betsy,
    Thank you so much for your concern and prayers for our welfare. We all pray for peace and the return of our captive hostages.
    The Baktiari carpet is gorgeous. The new rugs are also very beautiful. I wish you happy stitching. A wonderful occupation when it's cold outside..
    Hugs, Drora

  3. Your rug is so beautiful! You stitched it by hand?! That's amazing! And your next one looks beautiful too.

  4. The almost-finished carpet looks amazing! Well done! I really admire anyone who does mini needlework, because it’s not easy nor quick. Also your snowy almost-winter wonderland looks so pretty, although I am always glad it doesn’t get cold enough where we live to get it.

  5. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh!!! My, this was a direct hit into my face AND stomache!!! You know I always love your beautiful photos but not if one is showing without much warning that da*n cold white stuff! Oh my, I'm not ready to face this... or to accept that it's that time of the year again when things like this can happen and it's time to think about some necessary tasks related to this certain holiday at the end of the year which shall still not be named yet.

    Anyhow, I'm already dealing with it... the first refugees have arrived in their storage places, the first boxes and bags made it downstairs (Have I ever mentioned before that I have way too much You-know-what-stuff???) and - sorry, I don't want to scare you - my You-know-what-cards are finished. But apart from this I'm still fighting the battle autumn leaves versus Birgit... and I suspect these nasty yellow wet guys are planning to make me fight them in December still. However, if the choice is leaf rake or You-know-what-shovel I choose the rake!

    It's good to see you have some new projects in the line which mean plenty of quality time for you and your stitching needle. The square one is not only unusual because of its size but also shows lovely colours. And the other one... let's call it "The Challenge"... my, this is going to look fabulous in the end, even more if you're adding plenty of Betsy-touch to it. And the almost finished Baktiari carpet looks stunning, I really like this design with its cheerful bright colours. Happy stitching! And who knows... perhaps already happy painting of the You-know-what-card... as You-know-what comes sooner as we would like it to come... ;O)


  6. La alfombra es una maravilla-
    El diseño de la nueva también está muy bien. Un buen comienzo.

  7. Your post added a valuable layer of understanding to the subject. Thank you!
