Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Time To Talk Turkey....


Gobble Gobble Gobble....

It Was Sally May and Chip's turn to host Thanksgiving Dinner, Dear Readers, and Sally May had been preparing the dinner for days. It had been a while since the Family had all gathered at their House, and Sally May was eager to share the Traditional meal in her own home. Chip's Folks practically lived with them ever since the Covid pandemic, but it would feel so much more wonderful to have her folks there too. She loved Chip's parents, but there was no substitute for her own Family.

Chip's folks, Blanche and Ernie were happy to watch TV in the living room.
Chip was happy to sit with them. 
He was sure Sally May would not need
 his help in the Kitchen...
But as the hours passed and nobody arrived, she began to worry.
Was anybody coming?

Meanwhile, over at The Lovely Old Dollhouse, 
Helen was worried about the Weather.
It had snowed overnight and the roads would be slippery.
"Are you sure their driveway will be plowed?" she asked Charles.
"Well, it didn't snow very much" replied Charles.
 "Only a few inches fell, they might not even need to plow" he added.
That did not reassure Helen!
"But their driveway is a little steep...!" she declared.
"What if we get stuck?" she added, clearly worried!
"Oh, I am sure we will manage just fine," said Charles, soothingly.
 "We will go over with Arthur and Pollyanna" he added. 
"They are young and know what to do."

Pollyanna and Arthur spent a lot of time
 up in the attic in Pollyanna's craft room. 
They knew they were not needed in the kitchen. 
"Sally May just called," said Pollyanna. 
"She is wondering where everybody is" she added.
"I guess she thought everybody knew
 she was making the dinner for 2 o'clock!"
"Well, I guess we better get going!" declared Arthur. 
"It is already one thirty!"
"I hope the pies are finished!" said Pollyanna.
Charles and Helen were thinking the same thing. 
"I think it is time we went to Sally May's house" declared Helen.
"Are the Pies ready?" she asked.

"I just pulled the Pumpkin Pie out of the oven" called Joanna.

"We'll wrap them up and follow you right over..." she added.
"I can carry the Pumpkin Pie on this platter" said Victor.
"That way we won't have to wrap it..."

"We better get going..."said Arthur.

Sally May went to tell everybody that the guests would arrive shortly...
"Maybe we should turn the volume down on the TV..." she hinted.
"You know your folks turn it up pretty loud" she added. 

"I'm not sure the others will want to hear it..."
"Don't worry, Hon," said Chip. 
"I'll take care of it when they get here."

"What are you watching...?" asked Helen loudly
 when they arrived a few minutes later.
"It's just old reruns of "I Love Lucy..." said Chip,
 turning the volume down a bit.
"Goodness...!" declared Helen. 
"I never watched those shows" she added.
(The Lovely Old Dollhouse did not have a TV...!)
"We can find something else if you like..."said Ernie kindly.
"Don't bother on my account" said Helen. 
"I believe it is almost time to eat anyway" she added.

Pollyanna and Arthur followed them in. 
"I think I'll go help Sally May in the kitchen" said Pollyanna.

"I'm sorry we are so late!" she said. 
"Tell me what you need me to do!"
"If you could carry the vegetables out to the table...." said Sally May.
"Are the Pies coming...?" she added anxiously.
"Mom and Dad are bringing them" said Pollyanna.
"They'll be here in a minute!"

"Here we are!" cried Joanna, entering with a pie.
"I'm so sorry we mistook the time!" she added.
"I don't know what happened!"

"And here's the Pumpkin Pie!" declared Victor.
 "It is still hot from the oven!" he added.
"I'm sure it will cool enough while we eat dinner" said Sally May smiling.
"I'm just so glad you are here!" she added.

She carried the Turkey out to the table.
"Do we have everything...?" asked Pollyanna.
"I want to eat!" declared Annabelle loudly.
"Hush darling, you can gobble all you want
 after we all say Grace" said Sally May.
"Let's call everyone in," she said to Pollyanna.

The whole Family crowded in around the table.
"The food smells Divine..." declared Helen.
"Who will say Grace...?" she asked.
"I think our Host, Chip, has the honors..." 
said Charles, nodding to his Grandson-in-law.
Chip cleared his throat... 
(he was not used to being the center of attention)
"For the Bounty set before us, 
and the Family with which to share it, 
we humbly give our thanks" he said.

"Amen!" added Charles.
"Here here!" said Victor.
"Gobble Gobble.... !" said Annabelle.
At that, Everybody burst out laughing!
"I will carve the Turkey declared Ernie"
Sally May had nothing to say....
 she felt a lump in her throat 
at the Love surrounding her.
She spared not a thought for the dogs in the kitchen...

....Guarding the Pies!
"Don't even think it..." said Honey to Oreo...
"You heard them.... they are too hot!"
"I guess we have to wait for crumbs.... ?" asked Oreo.
"You have so much to learn...." sighed Honey.

Well, Dear Readers, Once again... 
Thanksgiving Dinner is almost Late!
But I hope you all have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.... 
and if you don't celebrate the Holiday, 
I hope you will find Plenty to be Thankful for anyway.
And perhaps you can even "Gobble gobble" a little bit too!

(And for those unfamiliar with Turkeys, 
a large bird native to  North America, 
the "voice" of the bird sounds like
 "gobble gobble... gobble gobble.."! 
I kid you not!)


  1. A great time to share and give thanks and a lovely story with all your wonderful dolls taking part in it. (I'm not sure however, that the turkey agree with me.)
    Hugs, Drora

  2. ¡Qué tengas un feliz día de Acción de Gracias!

  3. Happy thanksgiving! Hope it was a wonderful day.

  4. I hope you've had a thanksgiving as wonderful and lovely as your little fellows' celebration. Everything was as it has to be... preparations, time trouble, questions and worries (we can always trust in Helen to take this part seriously) - and in the end everything is fine and everybody's happy (well, except for the turkey - I share your doubts, dear Drora - and the more or less trustful guard dogs).

    Although we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Germany I would still give thanks too. First thanks in general... because there are always many reasons to be thankful for. But most of all very special thanks to you... for another wonderful post with a lovely, heartwarming story, for taking all those stunning pictures, for all the time, work and effort it took to create such a post with so many participants and of course for your blog in total. And on top to many thanks I'm also coming along with a compliment: Great job in giving your stunning tv set a staring role! ;O)


  5. It is wonderful to see the whole gang again, Betsy! And to get a peek into all the lovely dollhouses! What a treat to see the scenes all set up!
    Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving - your first as a retired lady who not only has a four day weekend, but a weekend every day!
