For the Rhodie-oh......!
You Might have come here, Dear Readers, looking for another view of the Lovely blooming Lilac Shrub, only to find it is already past it's time of bloom. (How does the time pass so quickly?) But what is this, you say in surprise, I don't recall seeing this here before... and yet, it seems as though it has always sat in that corner on the other side of The Folly Porch! (At least, I would have you believe so!) The astonishing burst of red blossoms seems to have opened overnight.....
And the early morning light
is just beginning to illuminate their brilliance.
Do come closer.....!
It is almost shockingly bright after the delicate lilac blossoms...
Alas, there is no fragrance....
but after the lovely scent of the Lilacs,
I would not want to have to compare...
It wraps around the corner of the house above the little brook...
(still under construction!)
And when it is done...
it will partly conceal the door to
The Tree House between the roots....
And perhaps some of you, Dear Readers,
will recall a year ago when I began this project....
and was "testing" a blossom or two in this corner...
And the sunlight reached into my room
and touched the blossoms.... just like this...
and that told me this was a must to do!
And here we are!
And while it is not quite finished....
it looks just as wonderful as I dreamed it would!
Oh, Dear Readers.....
Are you ready for the Rhodie-oh...