Saturday, May 11, 2024

Lilacs For Love...


And Sorrow....

It is That time of year, Dear Readers, when the Lilacs are blooming in the RL world, and so I must rearrange my properties and dig out the Blooming Lilac for The Folly garden and set it up so the morning light can bring it to life. The early morning light is still dim because it is a bit overcast today. But you can see the tall arching stems of this old and much loved shrub where it stands beside The Folly porch.

And as the daylight grows stronger
 you can perhaps see the blossoms better...
Each and every one lovingly made....
it took more than a year to do!
(Some of you will recall the blossom-a-week progress...)

And closer, by the door....
You will have to dream of the amazing scent...
for bringing that to life is beyond my small abilities.

The weather has been gloomy a lot lately, 
but every now and then we have moments of sunshine...
Catch them when you can... 
for they are fleeting....

Like Life itself....
Here and then gone...
Forgive me, Dear Readers if I wax lachrymose... 
My dear Father passed away recently.... 
and I am having trouble finding the sunlight...

He was 94 years and eight months old 
and lived a wonderful creative life.
I learned so much from him.
He was dearly loved.
And now he is gone.

And yet, the Lilacs still bloom...
Lilacs are for Love...
And sorrow...


  1. I'm sorry for your loss. Beautiful writing and a beautiful tree.

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts Mummu, they mean a lot.

  2. Sending you love and and hugs at this sad time Betsy. He was lucky to have such a long life and be so loved. And the lilacs is a perfect way to remember him.

    1. Thank you Shannon, it helps to remember that.

  3. Oh Betsy, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. No matter how old our parents get, it's enormously painful to lose them. You wrote a beautiful post here, and the lilacs are a perfect commemoration. Sending you love and hugs. ❤️

    1. Thank you Michelle for your kind words. That is so true. And inevitable.

  4. Dearest Betsy, to me seeing your wonderful blooming lilac shrub (which is for me - and will always be - one of the most amazing pieces of miniature art ever) in a new post is one of the highlights in my calendar. And so I enjoyed your photos to the fullest... but also with attention because I noticed the word "sorrow" at the beginning. And still it hit me hard when I understood what this post was really about...

    I'm very sorry to hear about your loss - nothing is sader and harder than facing "never agains" related to a dear loved one. But even when having difficulties with finding the sunlight you still managed to find the most beautiful words surrounded by photos of this awesome shrub. I may not be able to smell its scent... but I was able to feel the love, your sorrow and how dear your Dad was to you when reading this post.

    With best wishes and big hugs

    1. Thank you, Dear Birgit, for your kind words. As you well know, the pain is unavoidable and forever, although I am told it eases with time. Remembering the blessings does help. We carry on.

  5. Sorry to read that your father has passed away, I wish you lots of strength.

    But your lilacs turned out beautiful, so very real,amazing. greetings Gonda

    1. Thank you Gonda, for your kind words. It is surprising how much it can help to have tiny things to occupy the heart and hands.
