Thursday, May 23, 2024

Are You Ready....


For the Rhodie-oh......!

You Might have come here, Dear Readers, looking for another view of the Lovely blooming Lilac Shrub, only to find it is already past it's time of bloom. (How does the time pass so quickly?) But what is this, you say in surprise, I don't recall seeing this here before... and yet, it seems as though it has always sat in that corner on the other side of The Folly Porch! (At least, I would have you believe so!) The astonishing burst of red blossoms seems to have opened overnight.....

And the early morning light 
is just beginning to illuminate their brilliance.

Do come closer.....!

It is almost shockingly bright after the delicate lilac blossoms...

Alas, there is no fragrance.... 
but after the lovely scent of the Lilacs, 
I would not want to have to compare... 

 It wraps around the corner of the house above the little brook...
(still under construction!)

And when it is done... 
it will partly conceal the door to
 The Tree House between the roots....

And perhaps some of you, Dear Readers,
 will recall a year ago when I began this project.... 
and was "testing" a blossom or two in this corner...

And the sunlight reached into my room
 and touched the blossoms.... just like this...
and that told me this was a must to do!

And here we are! 

And while it is not quite finished....
it looks just as wonderful as I dreamed it would!

Oh, Dear Readers.....
Are you ready for the Rhodie-oh...


  1. Your flowers is just stunning. What a huge great job! Britt

    1. Thank you Britt! It is amazing how well it turned out.:)

  2. Your porch is so delightful with all the gorgeous Rhododendron blooms! Such a friendly-looking porch would entice me to stop and admire the view. Maybe I'd even climb up a few steps to get a closer look. These photos have made me feel very happy!

    1. Thank you Michelle! I love the way they enclose the porch. It has been a long time coming!

  3. Wow, it's finished!!! And it is stunning. So worth all that work to have a magnificent shrub such as this. Your patience and perseverence has once again paid off in spades. Bravo!

    1. Thank you Shannon! It has been a "marathon"... but look what the results are! So worth it! :)

  4. Sorry, I noticed a big mistake in this post... without any doubt what you really wanted to write is "Rhodie-OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWooooooHoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!"

    My, this is almost beyond words... but you know me, I try to find some anyway so I try it with: Beautiful, awesome, amazing, eye candy, fabulous, gorgeous, absolutely stunning and of course one of the most amazing miniature plants I've ever seen! (And I need to point out how remarkable it is that another member of the very exclusive club of "Most amazing miniature plants ever" is standing right next to this one).

    You've done an awesome job with this rhododenron and I can only agree - I already forgot how the Folly ever looked when the space at the entrance's right side was still empty. It's perfect, beautiful and I shall not forget to tell you that not only the result is stunning but also the speed in which you created this masterpiece.

    However, I already pity you when you will need to take this out to replace it with the summer version... but you can do that! You always manage to put the most beautiful blooming lilac shrub in a storing box every year, you will be able to do this with the most beautiful rhododendron shrub too. But this time you're lucky... as you will need some time to create the almost-all-over-the-year-version you can still enjoy the result of creating so many of these awesome clusters a little longer. ;O)


    1. Dear Birgit, you are right... Oh Oh OH Wowweee! It is amazing how a steady application of attention to details adds up to a whole lot of amazing to look at in the end! :):) I do enjoy the progress, and I really enjoy the results! And in case you wondered... the "daily show" is producing leaves for the All Year 'Round versions at a steady rate. I estimate we will have another bush ready in about three months! If all goes to plan! :):) Meanwhile I get to revel in the beauty of the blossoms. :):):)

  5. Your Rhodo is Absolutely WONDERFUL, Betsy!!!
    I love the perfusion and vibrancy of its blossoms - a VERY HEALTHY shrub, indeed! ❤️
    I have a mature red azalea in full bloom right now but because of the off and on sunshine and heavy rains we've had this spring, it is not nearly as glorious as your mini one is. Needless to say, but I'm GREEN with envy!

    1. Dear Elizabeth, it is so Wonderful to see you here again! Thank you for your appreciative comment! I do hope you are still making your amazing minis.... and will post again when you are ready...! :):) Meanwhile, I am working on the "green" version of the Rhodie.... and then will make the "snowy" version too..... so please do come by again in a few months for more of the show! :):):)
