Wednesday, September 11, 2024

No Body Is Perfect....


I Wasn't Listening....

I was On a Roll, Dear Readers, charging ahead with the Next important part of The Chapel interior; the painting of the Temptation in The Garden of Eden. The space was laid out, the subject was well defined and all I had to do was be decisive and start! As I have mentioned a time or two on this project, I am trying to keep the style of my paintings to an early era, not quite primitive, but not entirely naturalistic either. I have found surprisingly few examples to use as my guide, and I am afraid that my creative "impressions" are colored by later more well known versions. Most of the representations of this scene are tucked in with the Creation scenes... the next sequential events in the history of humanity, and are therefore tiny and difficult to use. But I did find one good example that would be my main guide.

Here, you can see it in the bottom right hand section
of this manuscript illumination from the thirteenth century.
Mind you, this is not large... 
the image is about one inch square and difficult to see details.
But it shows the stance and lay-out of the scene
 that I wanted to try to capture.

And for good measure, here is a larger, similar one
 that clearly shows the standard elements of this scene.
The Tree with the serpent in the middle 
and Adam and Eve naked on either side,
and the "sharing" of the fruit.
And as usual, 
I apologize for the dark picture...

As I said, I was charging ahead with the painting...
first inking the design and then as quickly as possible
 beginning the painting of the figures...

And again... just taking the next steps....

But really, I was Ignoring that little voice
 that had big misgivings.....
(it doesn't look right...)
(they are too "bulky")
And I will not bother to show you more images
 of the failed attempt....
Suffice it to say that at a certain point I stood back 
(a little hard to do with a painting inside the Chapel...)
and realized that it just would not do!
I am Terrible 
at Body Proportions!
(I know this.... 
I have to work at it all the time....)
Yeah.... No Body is Perfect...
There are accepted "norms" used
 in artistic representations....!
It was clearly "make-over" time.

And as usual... 
I neglected to take pictures of the process.
Lots of white paint in strategic places...
lots of "slimming" and "lengthening"
(Even a lowering of the picture frame!)
But most importantly, 
shrinking their heads.

Adding the flesh tones...

Redoing the outlines....
adding the hair....
I am still not at all convinced that it is fixed...
I may have to redo the redo.....
(that even sounds terrible!)
But I am Not rushing it....
This is as far as I have gotten, 
and I'm going to leave it here for a while....
while that little voice
becomes a little clearer.
No Rush!

Yes, Dear Readers,
No Body is perfect...
but Especially not my rendering
 of Adam and Eve.


  1. Betsy, I think your painting looks so beautiful! I'm sure anyone visiting your mini chapel would agree that it's a perfect tribute to Adam and Eve.

  2. Prueba y error es lo normal en cualquier proyecto, así que tu capilla quedará genial ,veo que eres exigente, has logrado con la reducción de los cuerpos un paso de gigante, me parece que te quedará perfecto.

  3. Hi Betsy! It's good to be back into the blogworld because I now can see again your miniature art works! Yes, we're not perfect but I've always known your trials/attempts will go on and on until you're satisfied. For now it looks good to me, but okay: who am I to say this...?
    I've always admired your paintings in miniature, you're so talented, especially in your mini Chapel and Castle.
    Excuse me for not catching up of three years of blogs, it will be too much for me to do so, I think you'll understand, so okay, here I am again.
    Thank you soooo much for your message on my blog, I wanted to go back to blogging but I wondered: who's still there? It seems lots of bloggers still read my blog, I am sooo surprised after such a lon time to read their messages.....
    Hugs, Ilona

  4. Oh the chapel!🥰 I love every inch of your castle project. But the chapel is my favorite. It is so darn beautiful! And every added mural improves it.

    I can't see what is wrong with the redo. The proportions look right to me, but I am not the artist. You are, and your judgement is the only important one. Take some time before you redirect your attention to Adam and Eve again with fresh eyes. Wathever you decide then will be the right decision.


  5. I'm sorry to hear Adam and Eve are giving you a bit of trouble... but that's what they can do best, I mean, if they would have been nice and well behaved all of us would still be in paradise. *grin*

    But it made my day to hear about white paint in strategic places. *even-broader-grin* It was worth the time using this strategical white paint, the proportions are better now. However, when I compare your painting especially with photo 3 I don't know why you're thinking of a redo of the redo. Just look at Adam's left leg and I really wonder how gravity could ever have so much impact on Eve's *ehem* butt. If that painter could "publish" this so many ages ago your version is according to my modest opinion just perfect for your castle's chapel. But us Huibrecht already said... you are the artist! And what an artist you are... it's so much fun to see this developing.

