Monday, September 30, 2024

Stitching Update....


 A Stitch Here... A Stitch There...

It Has been a while, Dear Readers, since I showed you progress on the many petit-point projects I have under way. Above is the mini Christmas stocking kit I started on the "extra day" of my recent travels. I was so worn out once I got home that tackling big projects was beyond me. So I pulled out the little stocking and just added a few stitches from time to time. These stockings are quite small and the stitches add up quickly!

Before too many days had passed I was seeing great progress!

The background is supposed to be "pink" for a girl...
but it is such a pale shade of pink it almost doesn't look pink!

And as I began to recover my energy 
 and look around at all my waiting projects....
(a few too many perhaps?)
I realized that I was so close to completing the 
William Morris carpet that I should just get it done!

All I needed to do was finish the border background
 and bind the edges all around.

Sorry about the darkish picture......
But you can see that the stitching is finished!

Here you can see it has been removed from the frame 
and I have begun to bind the edges.

And as for the Dragon Carpet, Dear Readers, 
I had reached a difficult place and hadn't done much....

I had completed most of the leafy vine sections
 that I was sure I would use as the original chart placed them.
You might remember that the original was very different... 
(no dragons for starters!)

 The central medallion was way too small.... 
so I designed the Dragons for the middle...
But on either side of the center there is a
 "golden" figure of something I can't quite decipher.
Is it supposed to be a pineapple...?
A Turtle...?
I just am reluctant to continue with this part of the design!
It needs a makeover....
Which I am starting to attempt to design....
You will be the first to see it when I have it figured out!
But meanwhile, the border needs to be worked on... 
and this frame is too small to do that comfortably....
But, Hey, I just took the other carpet off the bigger frame....

Here are the two frames stacked for comparison.
It doesn't look like much of a difference....
But more space is more space...
so I stretched this in the bigger frame.

Just look at all that extra room!
(Sorry it is a little blurry...)
I put the frame in the stand and got to work!
Up until this point I had used the smaller frame like a hoop
just holding it in my lap which was a bit awkward.
Now I have room to work on the borders 
as well as the redesigned side sections.
We shall see how it goes!
Meanwhile, I have finished the little stocking kit.....
All I have to do now is stitch it to the backing....
I'll add it to the collection of stockings waiting for that step!
So you can see, Dear Readers,
a stitch Here and a stitch There 
adds up to a whole lot of 
stitches in Time!



  1. Wow, you do such beautiful work, I am amazed. Absolutely gorgeous!!! So glad that artisans such as you have these blogs. Love it!

  2. Hi Betsy! So you have so many projects on the way.....hmmmm nothing has changed since the years of my absence :D! But each of them is beautiful, and if you have fun with them than it's okay to do/have them, isnt it? I can imgaine it was the perfect thing in mini to do after your journey home, you must have been emotionally and physically exhausted.
    The William Morris carpet was almost ready....?!! And nowyou finished it, incredible good of you, it looks awesome, a true mini treasure!!
    And there's even more: a dragons carpet! What a fantastic design, you changed it into a gem. It looks gorgeous but I do understand why you are reluctant.....looks you have more space on the bigger frame.
    You do magic with mini embroidery work, as you also do with your mini paint work and so on. Amazing work, Betsy!
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog, it's sooo good to be back again in the blog world, I missed you all!
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  3. Your embroidery projects are so wonderful, Betsy! Adding a few stitches at a time is a great way to work!

  4. Una puntada, otra puntada....Betsy has avanzado mucho!! La pequeña bota navideña queda preciosa! Y la alfombra William Morris es una belleza, que gran trabajo!
    La alfombra de dragones, me tiene entusiasmada y estoy segura que me fascinará!!
    Diviértete con tus magníficas labores!!
