Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Chapel Tower...


 Do You Even Remember the Chapel....

You will have to forgive me, Dear Readers, because I do not even Remember the last time we really visited the Chapel, let alone accomplished any work on it! It was one of the first "rooms" of the Castle that I got really involved with decorating the interior, and as with so many of my projects... it is nowhere near finished! I would not even know where to look for good shots of the interior, and while the Castle is all pulled apart it is difficult to get any interior pictures. So for now I will just show you the progress on the exterior, because I have decided to paint it too while the sections are movable. As with the Lord's Tower (the other end of the Castle) the wall that faces the Great Hall has no wiring along the sides (because the stairs and doors run along the inside) so I could prime it and paint it fairly easily. But the Back wall was as unfinished as all the other ones.

Here I have primed the wall... 
(it is just behind the corner of the Great Hall 
which you see in the foreground with the crenelations getting painted).

Here is the back side of the Chapel. 
I have just added the base of the window frames.
That pin has been holding the glass window in place for Years!!

Here you can see those windows from the inside ...
 they are "stained" glass and represent 
The Archangel Gabriel and Saint Michael.
(Clumsily drawn by me with leaded glass paint.)

Again, from the outside, trying to get trim all around.
I will need to carve the arched tops.

But the really challenging task 
was carving those channels for the wires.

Here you can see I am slowly gluing them in.
The wood is very hard in the darker grain, 
and not too hard in the lighter parts...
But you need to make the channel relatively straight to the corner.
And the "electrical box" for this section of the Castle 
will eventually be built on the outer side wall where it is accessible.
For now I am just getting the wires buried
 on the back section and through the corner holes.

I even carved the channels for the upper rooms 
which I have not yet begun to construct, 
so I could get the primer on the whole back side wall.

And then we need to make sure the lights still work...!
Yay, They do!
Here is the view from the exterior with just the candle lights....

Here is the view from the interior....
I know it is barely visible... but so moody!

And with the flash turned on...
Way too bright....!
It shows clearly how much I still have to finish.

Alas, for now it will have to wait, Dear Readers,
 while I get the back wall of
 the Chapel Tower finished.
But at least now you will be able to say 
you Remember the Chapel!


  1. I love those windows! They look so beautiful lit up from inside!

  2. Wow, Betsy! That chapel ceiling is magnificent! In the candlelight, there is such a reverent feeling to the room! Perfect! And the amount of detail you are able to get into the scenes is blowing my mind! Amazing! I love the stained glass windows depicting Gabriel and Michael! I bet they are both so honored that you chose them for the very important job! Glass paint is such a hard material to work with, but you've got it mastered! I just love the exterior window detail and am so enjoying seeing the castle have it's turn in your hands! Did you happen to see my post a few weeks ago with the chisel? I wonder if that might not work splendidly for your wiring channels. Even on that stubborn hard wood!

  3. Ah the chapel.. Impossible to forget the glow through the pretty stained glass windows and that beautiful elaborate vaulted ceiling.
    I look at my wee house and know how much work I put into that and am in awe of the shear size of your castle. Every little step is a big step in the direction of completion. Besides, what would you do with all your time if you didn't have a castle to tinker with LOL
    Anna X

    Without a doubt- YOU are the Ceiling QUEEN of the miniature world Betsy, and since your castle has so many of them, it won't be long before you become THE EMPRESS!

  5. El flash crea un efecto demasiado intenso pero a la luz de las velas queda fenomenal . Precioso trabajo. La vista exterior también es preciosa.

  6. The chapel tower looks fantastic and the ceiling is a masterpiece.

  7. The chapel is so lovely! What a shame we haven't visited it for such a long time. Carry on,
    Love, Mom

  8. Thanks for giving me a good laugh! As if anyone could ever forget the Chapel... I hope Father Alban is fine somewhere in his hibernation dreaming of the icons he still has to paint. It was so wonderful to see it again in all its beauty and to admire your awesome paintings. They may still need plenty of painting work but they are already beautiful. And even more - they're already promising to become masterpieces. I've also enjoyed the illuminated pictures very much (how kind of the lights that they are still working!), especially of the arch angels in the windows. And I must admit I am aware of the fact that we have the fun part i. e. enjoying your fabulous work while you have a job or two to do. ;O)

    Birgit (who is wondering if this might be a personal worse in being late...)
