Friday, April 7, 2023

Yet Another Kit...


Slowly Taking Shape...

I apologize for the terribly Dark picture, Dear Readers, but it was a gloomy day! I had decided to try to complete another lovely little kit from Sandra Morris of 'Tower House Dolls' fame. She has just retired and closed her shop, and it made me want to finish some of her kits I had bought over the years and then not had time to build. This is the "Musical Automaton Kit" which consists of a little Victorian Doll you get to dress, standing beside a tiny piano you get to build, and the box they stand on contains a music speaker and it plays piano pieces when you push the button! "What a cute Idea!" thought I when I purchased it a couple of years ago. I now have experience on assembling one of her costumed dolls, but a music box assembly was definitely a new challenge!

First Step was to get the instructions out and identify all the parts!
These are just the ones for the base with the music box. 
The battery pack, speaker and switch are in the bubble wrap.
There is a little chip with a pre-programmed selection of piano tunes!

The box itself was fairly straight forward.
Wooden framing and matboard sides.

You needed to cut a hole in the back panel 
for the speaker and the switch.
Templates were provided.

Next step was to paint the box
 The paint provided with the kit
 had dried out because I took so long to get to it...
So I used the basic gray I use for the castle...
 I have plenty of that!

There are lithographed designs to glue onto the panels.
The next step should be attaching
 the speaker and the switch to the back panel... 
This requires some epoxy, which I don't have...
 and some ability to use the right arm....
which I have to admit, Dear Readers, 
 is a problem!
I have pulled a muscle.... or a tendon.... 
causing pain when I try to do too much...
(or anything at all, actually!)
(I am always trying to do too much!)
I have had to take days off... 
doing almost Nothing with my right arm!
I am becoming ambidextrous as a result.

And maybe I could just do tiny things?
So I started to build the teeny piano kit.

Only requiring the tiniest bit of folding...

And gluing....

The sum of one day's work!

And the next day... 
can I paint at all?
Just a Tiny bit?

And maybe glue some of the graphics on?

And the following day,
 glue the rest of the graphics on the tiny piano!

Oh, and the music stand too!
But I think I let it slide down too far...
You can't close the lid this way!
(No, I did not add hinges!)
(But maybe I should have!!)

So there you can see, Dear Readers,
 the Slow total of the "work" I can
 accomplish with my sore arm.
I am not used to so much "Inactivity"!
But I will admit that rest is the best cure.
So I am doing my best to do just that...
And learning to do everything with my left hand!


  1. I am amazed every time you show one of these tiny kits. You make it look so easy!

  2. What a treasure you have in this 'no longer available' kit! The components are just darling, so unique and perfect for the doll maker's studio! We really do take our body parts for granted and are made glaringly aware of how much we need them when we can't rely on them for a while. Get lots of rest, read and nap, and soon you'll be raring to go again!

  3. This kit is a treasure. And the piano is a little masterpiece. Great work!!

  4. You have done a lot of progress with this marvelous kit.
    The little piano is too cute for words. In a R/L upstanding piano the music stand is hinged to the key cover and opens for the sheets when the cover is uplifted. It would have been fantastic for miniaturists to be ambidextrous. I wish I was one.
    I can only appreciate your great work with your left hand.
    Hugs, Drora

  5. Beautiful! Even though it is not yet finished. When it is, it will be quite a spectacular addition to the dollmaker's studio. And it will be good company for the Susan Morris doll you've made previous.

    Good luck finishing this special doll/music box.


  6. Usually this post would have caused a big shock of mine... I mean... NO HINGES for the piano????????? But I see clearly how the unbelievable, unexpectable and unforeseen could ever happen... and I'm very sorry to hear about your painful arm problems. You might remember that I can tell a tale or two about issues like this so here come my very heartfelt wishes for a very quick recovery of yours!

    But regarding your "handicap" it's amazing how much you were still able to do and to achieve; even more regarding the very fiddly and tiny parts of the piano. It's a very special kit and now that the artist is retired even more special... and just perfect for the dollmaker's studio. I wonder if among the songs of that music box might be Beethoven's "Für Elise"... would be a perfect fit, my dear Elisabeth. ;O) Get well soon!

