Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Christmas Trees....


Same Old, Same Old....

What Can I say, Dear Readers, but admit I revel in the Same Old Christmas Trees every year! Yes, The Silver Tinsel Tree has been lit in The Cloud Palace. This was accomplished in spite of my illness, (thank you for all your kind wishes, I am slowly feeling better...) because the tree is small and I knew where it was and wanted it by my elbow as the long cold nights drew in. The Fairy Bears all gathered around to admire it's shiny presence.... even though not a single new thing was added, they are just as happy to see it as I am. Sometimes it is comforting to know that there are Some Things that do not need to change to be Wonderful! 

And over in Sally May's and Chip's living room,
 their own version of a Silver Tinsel Tree shines and glitters,
 and at least for the moment,
 caused Ernie and Blanche to forget to turn on the TV!
(Sally May Wishes there were a few new ornaments on it... 
but she is more involved in her cooking...)

And in the Lovely Old Dollhouse,
 Charles has brought in the Same Old Christmas Tree
 and placed it in the Same Old corner it always goes in.
He really wanted to make sure Helen had
 the comforting presence of the Tree Lights as soon as possible!
She is feeling much better and
 spends her days hardly napping at all!
It, too, has had not a single change made in the decorations... 
in spite of there being quite a few new options available!
"It is Beautiful, darling..." says Helen.
"Well, it always is...." agrees Charles... 
"I just wanted to make sure it was up in time
 for you to enjoy it to the fullest!"

And as I was passing the Castle Great Hall, Dear Readers, 
 I could see the candles through the window...
Yes, The Castle Tree has been lit as well...

Even though there doesn't appear to be anyone there to see it....!

 And I almost didn't notice that Pollyanna
 had found a tiny tinsel tree to decorate..!
She looked as though she was dreaming up a new project....

"That's looking promising, Hon" said Arthur.
 "Where will you put it...? he added.
"That's the problem...." said Pollyanna, reluctantly....
"I really don't know which House it should go in....
 maybe I just need to make a 'Christmas House'..." she added dreamily....
"You know, with everything in it about Christmas....?"
"Sounds lovely...." said Arthur agreeably.

Well, Dear Readers, that's all
 I got done in the past few weeks...
But I am getting better and
 there's nothing I like better than
 The Same Old Trees in the Same Old places!


  1. They might be the same old ones, but they are beatiful and merry :)

  2. Dear Betsy,
    So sorry I didn't know you were ill. It's good that you feel better.
    The Christmas trees are beautiful. It's great that the lights still work on the old ones and that each found the best place to be in. I love the photo of the Cloud Palace with Birgit's Bearies. The tinsel gives it a special shine.
    Wishing you full recovery,
    Hugs, Drora

  3. Están tal llenos de sueños y alegría que no importa que se repitan año tras año.

  4. All the Christmas trees are lovely! I think that's one of the joyful things about decorating for Christmas - they are the same, special decorations year after year. Maybe a few new items get added here and there, but it's comforting to get out the old favorites.

  5. Glad to see you’re feeling better and had the energy to set up your mini trees. They look great and add so much atmosphere to your mini homes. Not everything is made better with the addition of new things. Old and same can be good too.

  6. It's good to hear Helen and you are feeling a bit better now. And it's so good to see all those beautiful trees in their familiar settings again. According to me it's not bad that there are no changes and that they look as they always did - Christmas is also about traditions and cherishing memories. But okay, an addition here and one new piece there can also be good as making new memories isn't that bad after all. So it's good that Pollyanna will create new memories... I really do hope she'll keep up with that gorgeous project idea! ;O)

