Monday, January 29, 2024

More Stitching....


Small Progress....

You Might recall, Dear Readers, that I ambitiously started a couple of new petit-point embroidery projects a few weeks ago. Because it is Winter and I am indoors, I have managed to make some progress on them! I apologize in advance for any blurry photos... it is also unrelentingly dreary and dark, making it difficult to get good photos here in my dark old (under-lit) antique house. But you can see in the above picture that I started to add the blue background to the central section of this carpet. It is one of Janet Granger's kits, on 18 count canvas, stitched with wool thread. I do just love the way these wool carpets feel... and they look wonderful in the dollhouses too. The reason I have not made more progress on this one  (besides the now completed Christmas Card project) is that the frame is a bit too small for the 9" square pattern of the carpet. I have not made any progress solving that dilemma. So instead, I have focused on the Other large carpet I started, the Chinese blue and white carpet kit from Phyllis Stafford. And you might recall, I had decided I needed to design a better central motif for it, adding dragons of my own design.

I am not sure what I last showed you, 
but I have been working out the scale pattern for the
body of the dragon.
Because I am designing it myself,
 I mark up my chart for a small portion,
 then stitch it to see how it looks. 
Here is the chart ... so far! 
I am only drawing one half of the central design, 
I will flip it and stitch the other half in reverse.

Here you can see I have started the outline for the second dragon...
 they are chasing each other around the sun!
I needed to be sure the two are spaced correctly
 and don't infringe too closely on each other's space.... 
even one stitch differences can make a problem! 
And it is soooo easy to get off by only one stitch...
 (already happened on the dragon's tail...!)

Here I have added a little of the sky blue
 background for the central medallion... 
just to see how the dragon looks against it...

Here I have stitched the scale pattern a little farther.
 It is quite challenging at this thread count (40 stitches per inch),
 so I have to be sure to not try to stitch it at night!

As for the Baktiari Carpet kit, Dear Readers, 
I have nearly completed the main carpet.

The instructions say that if you want to add a fringe (which I do)
 then you must stitch another row of the garnet color
 on the top and bottom, plus a row of the fringe color,
 before you take it off the frame and bind the edges.
And that reminded me that I wanted to try
 to stitch a couple of "cushions"
 using the extra canvas at the right
 before I removed it from the frame.
So I made a start

I made a start....
 and I made a few mistakes!
(Sewing it at night.... 40 count canvas...)
I didn't plan ahead for the border pattern repeat...
But I figured it was too late to change it....
So I'm winging it!

The border doesn't repeat exactly....
 but I think it will work anyway.
And I realized I did not make the shape of the cushion square...
But that can be fixed for the next one....
'cause there must be more than one cushion!
And that's as far as I got, Dear Readers,
Lots of stitching.... 
and very Small progress!


  1. Esas alfombras serán maravillosas! Que bonito el dragón y además diseñado por ti, fabuloso!!

  2. Very impressive Betsy! Really beautiful carpets, and progress is progress. I hope your weather improves soon and the days get brighter.

  3. Dragons playing tag... I love it, Betsy! The colors are going to be spectacular! And speaking of spectacular... My darling Baktiari rug!!! It was such a jolt of joy to se it again! And nearly finished?!? Fringe? Yes, please! And the pillows are going to be marvelous! It must be tremendously hard to stitch without a pattern, but you make it look natural! I can't wait until the days are lighter again, and I know that goes double for you!

  4. Es increíble lo que consigues hacer y más en esos diseños tuyos.

  5. Your rugs look amazing and the pillows the same.

  6. There's some strange side effect when being late as sometimes this can in fact offer advantages. Me being late to comment and now facing I "missed" two posts so far enables me to say: Happy Chinese New Year - and welcome to the Year of the Dragon! No doubt - you're stitching the perfect carpet for this year! *smile*

    I love to see how the dragons are growing, not only because I *surprise* like dragons (btw Tschang wants me to tell you that they look very familiar to him, reminding him of two of his cousins) but most of all because they are your own design. I already know that this rug will become an extra special piece... because of its beauty, but most of all because of the dragons designed by you and (most important) because the main colour is... BLUE!

    It's stunning that you finished the Baktiari and will give it its final fit with adding fringes. But I can truly understand that the fringes need to have a bit patience as this amount of free stitching place can not be wasted. It's a great idea to make some cushions with these motifs! And not to forget - I hope you will get your frame problems solved soon. However... as long as there are other stunning things waiting for progress there's no need to hurry up... *grin*

    Happy stitching and hugs
