Tuesday, January 9, 2024



Just A Touch of Winter....

I Hope you will Understand, Dear Readers, that it has to happen at least once a year, or all the effort would have been wasted! I refer here, to pulling out the "Snowy Lilac Bush" and creating a Winter Wonderland in the yard of The Folly dollhouse! As you can see above, it snowed quite a lot! As some of you remember, this lilac shrub was part of the Epic series of Lilac Shrubs that I created, one for each season of the year (sort of... there is no "Autumn Lilac" because they just drop their leaves overnight at the beginning of Winter), but four Lilac bushes were created and the "Snowy Lilac" was actually the first to be completed, being the easiest one to complete having no leaves or blossoms. I put it ahead of the "Bare Winter Lilac Bush" because I was so eager to see if the snow would look okay on the stems. And if you have ever spent time in the North with Lilac bushes, you will know they spend many months with bare stems, and only a few magical days "dusted" with snow! 

Of course, it is Winter, and gloomy so you will have to
 excuse the dark and poorly focused pictures...
As you can see, nobody has come out.... 
Nobody is going anywhere in this weather!

Oh, beg your pardon, Mr. Gnome, 
I didn't see you under all that snow!
"Hmmph...!" declared Mr. Gnome, grumpily. 
"Don't know where else I'd be. It's not as if 
anybody was building me a Home or anything... 
Not that I'm complaining mind you," he muttered.

"Ah, yes," I replied.... "about that home thing... 
I still have a few tasks ahead of that in the list...!
 The Tree House isn't quite done and there is a Rhododendron
 or three in the process...you might have to be
 patient a little longer..." I added apologetically.
"Hmmph" replied Mr. Gnome.

"I'm sure you could hide in "The Glass House".... 
I added hastily, "I'm sure nobody would mind!"
But he was no longer talking to me, Dear Readers, 
and I have other things to see to....
So I hope you don't mind if I rush off now.... 
the Christmas Card is not quite finished...
But I thought you would like to see just a touch of Winter...

And yes, we had a touch of Winter in RL too!
This fell on Sunday, although it is going to pour rain all night tonight.
A Brief touch of Winter!


  1. Do you live in Greenfield, Indiana? I sometimes look at street views on google maps and there really are vast meadows and grain fields as the name suggests. In Finland, there are similar ones in Ostrobothnia. That house of yours in the snowy landscape is beautiful.

  2. OOOOOH! The little gnome just brightened my whole day! I love your magical, snowy scene. What fun to see! It truly is a winter wonderland!

  3. Dear Betsy, The winter scene is lovely. What a great idea showing 4 seasons of the year in the yard of the Folly dollhouse. It's an enormous amount of work I know but the results justify it.
    Your RL photo shows me something we have never had in our little country. Thank you for sharing it.
    Hugs, Drora

  4. The cottage looks wonderful in the snow! And your real garden also so pretty. It's lovely to take the time to pull out the winter lilac scene and appreciate that amazing work you did. And it's always nice to have a variation or new addition to a mini scene - it reignites the joy I think.

  5. Fantásticas ambas escenas, la de tu casa y la de la mini casa.El árbol está muy conseguido.

  6. Well, I would call your "touch of winter in RL" a direct hard hit into the stomache... but okay, it's your garden, thankfully your snow and of course your own classification. *LOL* However, there's a certain type of snow which never bothers me... for example the snow on the roofs of the BiWuBeary Christmas Market's stands. And among this extra category of da*n cold white stuff even I don't dislike the top of the tops is seeing the Folly covered in snow with the snowy lilac in front. I am convinced Will and Gabrielle admire it a lot looking out of the window of their warm living room while enjoying a good cup of hot chocolate.

    And of course it was necessary to grant this outstanding masterpiece in its snowy edition the showtime it really deserves. It's always a pleasure to enjoy this fabulous work once more and to remember the time when following your progress in creating these pieces of true miniature art. But it also makes me smile to see that even the putto on the bird bath got his own snow cap... but most of all I had to smile about Mr. Gnome. My, you're in trouble... if now even the garden gnomes start to complain about being homeless... well... ehem... let me put it this way... it will mean much pleasure for me seeing how you're going on getting rid off your "to-dos" one after the other. And now you will also need to build a gnome residence... hooray! ;O)

    And luckily one of the next things on your to-do-list is finishing the Christmas Card... I'm so looking forward to see the newest masterpiece honoring 2023. Btw I must confess that although I'm also working on my to-do-list I'm far behind my schedule and my intentions. Sadly in my part of the world we're also dealing with this da*n cold white stuff. Not as much as in your place... but enough to make me feel my limitations. So a certain task of mine is not making as much progress as it should (although dealing with green would somehow be much comfort for my sore white-blinded eyes) - so please forgive me being even slower than I usually am.

    Hugs - and happy painting

  7. Dear Birgit.... No rush! Truly! Take the time you need and do not rush! :):):)
