Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Stitching Updates...


Slow But Steady...

Because, Dear Readers, I cannot spend All my time making rhododendron blossoms and leaves, only Most of my time, I have managed to make a little progress on the petit-point stitching as well. In the above picture, you can see my first cushion in progress. I had neglected to design it so the shape would end up square, and needed to adjust the outer border in tiny ways so it mostly repeated in a pleasing pattern. But I learned a lot, so the next cushion will perhaps be a better product. I was surprised at how quickly one small section of the carpet could be stitched! It was only the work of a couple days of casual stitching to get this far.

And here you can see it is nearly done!

And because that went so quickly, I started another one right away.
This time I am making the pattern a couple stitches wider on both sides.
And because, I know I have mentioned that
 it is hard to stitch the tiny stitches (40 to the inch!)
 of the Baktiari cushions at night, 
I have also been making progress on the William Morris carpet 
which is a much larger stitch size (only 18 to the inch.)

No, I have not found a bigger frame yet,
 but am making do with stitching the area that is available.
The blue background is very easy to stitch
 and really makes the pattern start to stand out.

And as for the Dragon Carpet, Dear Readers, 
it requires that I have both good light for the
 tiny stitches (40 to the inch again)
and a clear mind for the careful design-as-I-go process
so I can judge how it is looking before I get too far off track!

So it has seen even less of my attention,
 but even so, some good progress has been made!
I am keeping the blue scale pattern design
 only a small way ahead of the gold filling part
 so I can be sure it is making the scales look enough like scales!
 This means keeping both needles threaded
 and in play at the same time. 
You just have to be sure to not tangle
 the threads on the underside.
I am feeling quite encouraged by the way they are looking..... 
and only wonder if I am going to need
 to make some "design adjustments" 
to the rest of the body of the carpet as well.... 
we will have to see when we get there!

So that's the stitching update Dear Readers,
Lots of tiny stitches from time to time
  Slowly but steadily adds up to quite a bit of progress!


  1. Your work is very beautiful and skillfully done. I don't know if I could do the same myself, you probably need good eyesight and dexterity in that job.

  2. Has avanzado mucho! La primera está prácticamente terminada, me gusta mucho como ha quejado el cojín también!
    La William Morris se va viendo genial con ese tono azul que hace destacar los demás tonos.
    Y el dragón se ve perfecto!

  3. It sure does Betsy! Your carpets really are beautiful and I admire your patience and persistence with them. They are going to be beautiful.

  4. I'm amazed at your skill and patience! They look so good!

  5. Admiro tu paciencia y la manera que tienes de desarrollar un diseño.
    La alfombra y el cojín terminados son preciosos. Los que has empezado ya dejan ver lo bonitos que quedarán.

  6. I wish I would come up with such an amount of progress with (to say it in your words) things seeing less of my attention. I love how the dragon design is developing, this is going to become a true masterpiece and a stunning ooak. And how great that you're making the best of your frame problems by making progress as long as there's enough space. And yes, filling up parts with just one background colour instead of looking at the pattern for almost every stitch can be very satisfying.

    I never get tired of looking at your stitching projects... so happy stitching and happy rhododendroning too. ;O)


  7. I'm so late!!! As usual I am just enchanted by your needle work and so wish I had the bravery to begin to learn. Each one of these will be such a feature to admire and I can't wait to see them in all your dollhouses!

  8. Amazing! I love your beautiful embroidery; They make me want to start stitching again.
