Sunday, December 22, 2024

And The Nativity....


You Know How It Goes...

Well, Dear Readers, I don't know where the Time has flown off to, but here we are suddenly almost at Christmas... and I am never quite ready! When last we peeked into The Folly Living Room to see Gabrielle's new Lighted Tree, it was too gloomy and dark to be able to see the Nativity she had set up in the window sill. It is much brighter today, but still a little dark for photos... but never mind... we have seen it before, this simple gathering of Mary Joseph and the Child with an Angel hovering overhead. It is just perfect in it's simplicity.... for who else was there when the babe was born that Dark midwinter night? And even though we have not Quite arrived to that moment this year... we still can treasure the Story we know so well. And if you were passing by from outside in that Wintry Wonderland, you could just spot it if you glanced the right way...

along with the glowing fire in the hearth and Gabrielle's little tree!
And Meanwhile, over at The Lovely Old Dollhouse,
 Pollyanna has remembered to set up the family Nativity
 in it's spot on the sideboard in the living room.

As we know, it is always
 a little bit of a Last Minute Thing...
After all, Mary could not predict
 when exactly the babe would arrive.
And Pollyanna would not have her sitting
 waiting week after week...!
And suddenly it is here... 
Time draws short....
all the players have been assembled...
"It looks lovely as always, Dear" says Helen happily.
"I think it looks so peaceful...." added Charles.

"Hmmm...." said Pollyanna, not quite sure she agreed.
"I am not sure the camel should be over here..." she added,
pointing to the right side of the arrangement.
"But it never seems to fit on the other side with the Kings...!"

"Well..." said Helen..."maybe the Kings and the Camel
 should just arrive later.... they didn't actually arrive
 until Twelve days later, after all!" she added.

Just then Arthur looked into the room...
"Ah, I see you have assembled the Nativity!" he said.

"But.... " said Pollyanna... 
"I am just not sure the camel should sit over here... 
when the Kings are all over there..." she said
 pointing to the other end of the sideboard.
"Ah.... I see what you mean...." said Arthur diplomatically.
"Perhaps he is just happier over here 
with the other ruminants?" he added tactfully.
"Well.... I suppose there is that...." 
said Pollyanna thoughtfully.
 "I still think it looks so peaceful as it is..." declared Charles!
"Well..." said Pollyanna... 
"I suppose it will have to do!"

"We can't, after all... actually ask the camel...!" she muttered.
"But I do think he looks happy over here..." 
she added, smiling at Arthur.
Well, Dear Readers, You know how it goes...
The Nativity is always a last minute thing...  
and the camel is notoriously difficult to order about...
But the Eve will come and the Babe will be born
 and the World keeps spinning on!
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and 
Happy Holidays to those who celebrate other traditions.
(And I could almost swear I saw the camel wink at Arthur!)


  1. Dearest Betsy, your mini nativity is gorgeous, so serene. Love the picture from the outside of the house, glancing inside <3
    Yes, time flies, and now it's Christmas already, where has tiem gone? Now it is the time of family and gathering together and doing good to others who are not so forutnately...and of making peace although peace is far away in lots of areas where is still war, or has just started with no I cherish we still live in peace, it's sooo precious.
    Wishing you and yours Merry Christmas and a healthy, prosperous 2025!
    Warm hugs, Ilona

  2. I swear I saw the camel's wink too... and I am convinced it is one very wise camel (well, it's the camel of 3 wise men after all) so it knows well that from this position it has an exclusive view of what's going on... while at the other side 3 kings would have stood in its view corridor. *LOL* Ah, Christmas could not arrive without the good old tradition of putting up the nativities and even more the question whether the camel belongs to the left or the right side. And it's always touching how supportive Pollyanna's family is... I agree with Charled, it looks so peaceful as it is.

    Seeing the Lovely Old Dollhouse in its Christmas glory is always a gorgeous sight, but I also enjoyed the nativity in the Folly. As Ilona already said, the view from the outside is awesome.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, also to all the small and even tiny beings and an extra greeting to some furry folk floating way up in the clouds...


  3. Dear Betsy, I enjoyed your Nativity scenes and the Christmas decoration of your miniature world. I also enjoyed the peaceful and quiet ambiance you have created. Perfect for the ocassion. I wish you the most lovely Christmas. May 2025 brings you and your family all those good things you deserve.

  4. Que preciosidad de mini belén Betsy! Espero que pases unas tranquilas y felices Navidades y que el nuevo año llegue cargado de salud y muchos, muchos nuevos proyectos!!

  5. Your mini Nativity is so lovely. This really warmed my heart, Betsy. It was the perfect thing to read this morning. Merry Christmas to you!

  6. Your miniature Nativity is precious. It reflects serenity and the spirit of holiness.
    Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Drora

  7. Merry Christmas Betsy! Great to see all the progress on your mini projects. I have had Blogger problems so apologies for not commenting.
