Monday, December 30, 2024

Santa Says....


Another Distraction....

Well, Dear Readers, Some years I guess I just need a few small distractions to keep me going! And Santa pointed out to me a few of the Tiny Kits I had received and not yet assembled... and since I had been craving gingerbread and thinking about the many little Gingerbread Houses I had made in RL over my accumulating years... This tiny kit by Robin Betterley Miniatures was calling to me! On Christmas Day I pulled the pieces from the package and got started! The pieces are tiny and go together very cleanly (these kits are Amazingly well designed!) so I had made great progress Lickety-split!

        Of course, this is one of their "Secret Books" series in the "Teeny Weeny" size range.

The cover and spine and interior all got bright red paint.

And the cover art carefully glued on!

Here is a close up view!

And the interiors.....
It is supposed to be a tiny kitchen!

See how teeny weeny it is?
And there is a teeny weeny "stove" to assemble and paint...
And Teensy Tiny Gingerbread Houses!
It got me thinking.......
(More about that later.... )
And because I was "on a roll" as they say...

I had to start a couple more of these right away.....
It was Christmas Day after all....
And there was a kit for an even tinier one....!
Just waiting to be tested......
Above you can see an "Itsy Bitsy" "Secret Book"
 this in a series of Guide Books for well known places...
 London in this case. 

These end up really Tiny!
I am not sure there is anything I could make to put in there!
(But I might have to try!)

I did complete the tiny stove for the Gingerbread House.... 
but not the Teensy weensy Houses yet.... 
(see them there in that plastic baggie?)
so it is not yet all glued in place.... 
and I am afraid there is already some creative mischief afoot..... 
but I'm not telling yet! 

Because there was still another secret book under way...
(These kits are a bit addictive... !!)

This one.... "A Winter Wonderland" by Frosty Snow...!
Is really pretty inside and begs for some improved adornments...
Which will have to wait its turn!

For now... the attention has gone to the Gingerbread House Kitchen....

Here you can see the interior with the
 decorated "Stove" inside... (at the top)
But if you look very very carefully
 in the middle of this picture there is
 the beginnings of a Tiny "Glue trick figure"...
Because it seemed to me that there would
 need to be some "help" with the
 decorating of the Gingerbread Houses!
Here is a closer shot of the fellow....!
And some furniture to sit on......
which needed a lot of fidgeting....

 To get the spreaders on the legs.....

And perhaps only one helper was not enough....?

And the very rustic stool is assembled...

And here you can see... if you look very closely..
The arrangement of the stool and helper....
But that is as far as I got.
We will all have to be patient to see the final results... 
at some distant future...
because I have a task to accomplish first.

I am back to work now, Dear Readers, 
... and I am making progress!
And while Santa Says "go for it" 
A Little Distraction doesn't get
 the Christmas Card done!

Wishing Everybody a Happy New Year!
with plenty of Exciting New Projects



  1. Ese mini libro secreto es precioso! Estoy segura que lo embellecerás aún más! Feliz Año nuevo!!!

  2. Oh dear Betsy, I LOVE these tiny booklets, so tiny work. Sooo fiddly because of the most tiny parts in the interior, but as always you managed to do a good job!
    And on top of all the tiniest "secret book" I've ever seen, but this glue trik figure.......OMG!! You did it again, but you now ask me to be patient to see how it all will develop...??? ;)
    I hope you're making progress on drawing your annual Christmas card, because I AM SOOOO CURIOUS :)!!!!!
    For now I wish you a Happy 2025, and good health and peace!
    We say in Dutch: Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
    Hugs, Ilona

  3. Dear Betsy, These tiny books project are so cute! And what a good glue job you've done with the teeny tiny figure. I love puzzles but never dare to assemble something this size.
    Happy New Year 2025!
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Betsy, this little kit is so adorable, and no wonder you got distracted by it! I would have too! It's SOOOO tiny! I adore your little figure and every little detail. What fun!

  5. First of all: Happy New Year to you and yours - may it be a good and healthy one and filled with many creative projects, magical ideas and... loads of occasions to use the glue trick plus a few hinges here and even more hinges there!

    And next... I must honestly confess I'm a bit jealous now! Santa never points out anything to me. My, what a great thing this would be if Santa would say: "Better continue with Lasse's room and leave the snow shovel alone"... But sadly... no Santa... but the snow shovel instead which means in result: No good start into 2025 for me. *sigh*

    As I am privileged to know these wonderful kits very well thanks to your amazing kindness and generosity I can truly agree that they are very well made and absolutely addictive. And apart from the tiny London one (which btw calls for the red bus as shown on the title and a glue trick Paddington bear waving from the bus's top floor *tweet*) the other two books look very familiar.

    However, I still have trouble in understanding why a book called "The Gingerbread House" shows a kitchen inside. But as I struggled to put a whole gingerbread house instead of the suggested interior inside this book I have a good idea what it means to add "helpers" into this teeny tiny space... and a stool. You're doing an amazing job... and I can't wait to see the finished result. And I am very curious to see what you're going to do with the Winter Wonderland edition... fingers crossed that Santa will remind you soon that you're in need of more distraction.

    However, it's good to hear that you're not forgetting your focus on the You-know-what-card (yes, it's January and we can not risk to speak the C-word aloud before late November arrives... nerves need all the protection they can get these days). I'm really looking forward to see the 2024 edition of your series of masterpieces.

