Light Up My Life....
I Know, Dear Readers, that last week I bemoaned how little Time there was between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. But never mind, after Thanksgiving is over life is All about Christmas in my house anyway! And I know it has been many years now that I have been promising to "someday" show you well lit closeups of the decorations on the Lovely Old Dollhouse Christmas Tree. Well, don't be too surprised, but Someday is here! In the above picture you can see a closeup of the glass dove which is one of the very special and lovely little ornaments. Of course, glass is hard to see.... because it is see-through! But there it is! It is about 1/2 inch across. I honestly don't remember where or when I bought most of these treasures. I think I got a bunch of them at a fancy toy store back when my boys were still young and I was still dreaming of "someday" fixing up the old Dollhouse from my childhood. And I think I bought the fake mini tree back around then too... we used it in the "Boy's Dollhouse" aka "The Rustic House", home to teddy bears, dinosaurs and action figures when my sons were little. (You can read all about it in my very earliest blog posts back in 2010!) But all the delicate minis that I bought back then were shoved in a cupboard and saved for that magical "someday".

And here you can see.... or sort of see...
the glass snowflake (on the left near the bottom),
another of those delicate treasures!
The white icicles are possibly glass,
but more likely are plastic.
Here you can see a lovely little brass dove...
(stamped metal I am assuming is brass...)
as well as a little Christmas tree with snow on it
which is a resin figure on a long bead garland
that I wrapped around the tree.
I think it was intended to be a "holiday necklace" to be worn in RL!
I think it looks much better on the mini tree!
Here is another view of the snowflake along with
a red and blue striped glass ball ornament.
None of these ornaments are glued on...
and the way the branches of the tree are a bit "crude" for scale....
means that I had to just wind a lot of the garlands around the tree.
For the small glass pieces and brass ones
I made little brass wire hooks
and tried to find good spots to hang them!
Here is a closeup of more glass balls
and near the top, a heart shaped piece of lace...
(Slightly out of focus.....)
Here you can see another of the resin figures
from the bead garland... a dog with a Santa hat!
Along with a few more of the glass ball ornaments...
And still another resin figure... a snowman with a broom!
And you can see some of the large wooden beads
that are part of that garland.
And way over to the left you can see
a very fine metallic snowflake....
there are several of these scattered around
the tree, all with a different pattern!
Maybe you can see it a little closer here....?
Sorry... it is hard to photograph!
And here it is in The Lovely Old Dollhouse living room....
I know it is a bit dark...
It's an old house and the lighting needs an upgrade...
But the Christmas Tree is lit!
Oh, how I love to see those tiny colored lights!!!
Meanwhile, Dear Readers,
I have been scampering around
seeing to the trees in the other Dollhouses!
In the Castle Great Hall the
old Witches are gathered around the table...
Tea and board games are on the menu!
Kendall has put up the huge old tree and lit the candles...
(It is a drafty old Castle without electricity after all...)
It looks so enchanting from outside the windows...!
The Silver glitter Tree is up at the "Shabby Sister House"
where Sally May and Chip and Annabelle live.
Chip's father, Ernie has agreed that he can see
the Television just fine if he scoots his chair over a little bit.
(Boy, the batteries on this one need changing....!)
And up above the Clouds in The Cloud Palace,
the Fairy Bears are admiring the Silver Tinsel Tree!
(It has brand new batteries!)
And Hamish Harry has been admiring
the Starry Night Village Tree Skirt....
He is looking at all those Reindeer cavorting around the border...
not to mention a couple of sledding elves....
It's a lively scene!
And if you look very carefully among all those bright lights....
you might be able to spot
a couple of tiny "snowpeople" ornaments
made by Birgit of BiWuBaren fame!
That's as far as I got, Dear Readers...
Setting up the Christmas Trees takes Time!
But, Oh, how I love the way
they Light up my Life!
¡ Ha hecho un precioso trabajo con los árboles!
ReplyDeleteTe imagino colocando esos pequeños tesoros y !de vidrio¡ que son una maravilla, cuando sabemos que las miniaturas se escapan de los dedos sin darnos cuenta, así que felicidades por lograr ponerlos sin accidentes. Los mejores espectadores son esos lindos osos de hadas, disfrutando de tu maravilloso árbol. Feliz Navidad
ReplyDeleteBetsy, your decorations and Christmas trees are wonderful! I feel all sparkly and happy after seeing them, and I can see how they would light up your life! You've inspired me so much that I'm getting out my dollhouse Christmas decorations today!
ReplyDeleteDearest Betsy, it is so lovely to see all of your Christmas tree treasures, you can better say gems, thank you for showing. And of course, these treasures are gathered throughout the years, same as mine :). I must say I love each one of all these adorable, beautiful ornaments in your christmas trees.
ReplyDeleteThey are delicate and beautiful and each one will stand for a person, or an event in the past, or something like that, you'll know what I mean to say. I love seeing the Christmas tree in place, although it's a bit dark, but it's also the darker days before Christmas, right :)?
But everyone is at ease and they're enjoying their trees in their own situation/home, we can see that clearly.
I love seeing all of the BiWu-bearies in The Cloud Palace and for all to see back again the tree with its ornaments (made by Birgit) standing in its beautiful embroidered tree skirt, another gem made by you.
Warm hugs, Ilona, who has set up her Christmas tree just this afternoon, due to another event: our traditional Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) feast yesterday ;)
Me gusta que sepas vivir y disfrutar de la Navidad! Tus adornos de cristal son maravillosos tesoros y cada uno guarda un entrañable recuerdo que revives cada año al colocarlos.
ReplyDeletePreciosa imagen la de los BiWu-bearies a la luces del árbol navideño!
Sorry, I'm late but now I'm really trying to catch up... just to find out you put up the dollhouse trees in the meantime. And let me start right away with saying that I am deeply touched by learning that the most awesome Christmas tree skirt ever found its way to the Cloud Palace. What an honor that the Fairy Bearies are the ones who will admire and cherish it year by year now. And no surprise that Hamish Harry has fun studying the motifs on it... I know that feeling well whenever I happen to stumble over those deeply treasured two pillows with motifs of this I proudly own. Ah, some day... some day that day will come when I'm finally able to give them the place of honor they deserve.
ReplyDeleteAnd as I learned today, those "some days" really happen to become reality! Woohoo! Thanks for taking the time to show us details of this beautiful Christmas tree belonging to the Lovely Old Dollhouse (Btw.... are there already family debates going on on which side of the fireplace the camel belongs?). You managed to take some gorgeous pictures enabling us to have a good and close look on all the wonderful treasures you've collected over many years. Ornaments of all sorts which are special and dear by now.
In my modest opinion that's the best way to decorate a Christmas tree... with ornaments being since ages in the family and placed on the tree year by year. Our... well, by now sadly my tree carries an old-fashioned red glass ornament as topper which has been on our Christmas tree since I can remember. I would never replace it! However, every now and then some new elements can be added... who knows, maybe Santa will bring some new decorations... *wink*
Of course seeing the castle's tree again was also a big pleasure, even more as you added some stunning pieces you made some time ago like the paper dollies. And who knows, maybe it's good that the silver tree in Sally May's home is not that bright... otherwise her father in law might have problems watching t.v. - you know, two light sources close to each other is not good for the eyes... *grin*
But wow, those new lights for the silver tree in the Cloud Palace are as shiny and bright as can be... At first I thought it was white furred Brother Beorn standing close to the tree and not our grey cook Hammie. *LOL* Wait, this makes me wonder... there must be a connection between a cook, the verb to cook and yummy Christmas cookies, right? ;O) And while alredy wondering about things beginning with "C"... did you already start painting the you-know-what? *grin*