Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Even Less....


 Tiny Progress...

Because Nothing is glued in place yet, Dear Readers, there is a constant need to fiddle and adjust each piece as I try to get the Tower Stairs constructed. Above you can see I tackled cutting the door frame and door and attaching the hinges. Yes, I hope you understand by now, how happy hinges make me! The door opens and closes! You can get a glimpse of those mysterious stairs when the door is even slightly open! But the upper section of the door wall needs to fit carefully under the top stairs, so I am fitting it separately after I get the door itself correctly positioned.

And because the whole back section of this room needs to be
 constructed along with the stairs so they all fit together properly,
 I have also been adding to the upper frame of the fireplace.
Of course, it is now a gloomy day and my pictures are dark.
And because you know by now that I am not just working on one project at a time...
 I have also been making some progress on the gilded trim
 for the cherub ceiling in the Dollmaker's Studio.

I realized a while ago that I was never going to make progress
 with the trim in place in the room,
 because I couldn't turn myself upside down to see it well enough. 
So I removed the ceiling and am testing the assembly
 with the ceiling upside down and the trim lying along the edges.
You can see the arrangement above, 
before I have made any changes to the trim.
(And showing only the two sides I have so far constructed.)

Seeing it that way made me realize
 I needed to glue down all the tail ends of the ribbons
 before I added anything else.
Which I am doing ribbon by ribbon in this picture.
You can also see the beginnings of a third section of trim,
 before it has been glued together and painted.

Here you can see I have attached some of the "leaves"
 between the ribbon swags...
These were the parts I could not wrestle with properly
 when it was in place... 
they just kept falling down!
They are now glued to the trim!

Here you can see I am testing some of the "flat leaves" 
that will peek over the top of the trim... 
hopefully adding to the illusion that there is sky above...
They have to be "flat"...
 because there is no sky above...
 there is a very flat ceiling with almost no room for them to fit at all!
I plan to enhance the illusion of "sky above"
 by adding a few painted leaves as well...
We shall see if that works when I get to it!

And speaking of painting...

I painted the "rocks" on the tower stairs wall,
 and also added the hardware to the door.
I did not get to the grout... 
and the flash shows all the unfinished parts.

And just a glimpse of the stairs when the door is left ajar!
(I just Love hinges! )

And that is all I have to show, Dear Readers,
Hardly anything at all... 
But it is Tiny progress!


  1. Walls are amazing. And the ceiling trim looks wonderful. I love it.

    You've accomplished a lot more than I have!

  2. The cherub ceiling is amazing and the trim looks perfect.

  3. Oh Betsy that golden border is just beautiful! The perfect way to frame those amazing angels! I am amazed how you are getting every element and detail to combine for a perfect 3D border!
    As for "even less", it is not that you are doing less work or making less progress, it is that you are at the most complicated stages in each of these projects and that requires more time. Once these key features have been tackled, your progress is going to seem lightning fast! Keep on keepin' on, my friend! You are winning the battle to see your dreams come true!

  4. Estas realizando trabajos muy diferentes y minuciosos. Me gusta como está quedando.

  5. Hello Betsy,

    The lord's bedchamber is improving with every step. The hinged door to seal off the stairwell to the roof is spot on. (love the hinge work) ;-)

    And the last post on the cherub ceiling I already liked the idea of the branches peeking over the cornice. It diffuses the sharp line between the cornice and the painted ceiling. Quite a work but it will look stunning when finished.


  6. As I so often do I am amazed about the different and contrary meanings of "tiny" when used in combination with "progress"... at least when you use it that way. ;O) To me this looks like plenty of progress... and at the same time like lots of fun, I mean... HINGES!!! Yippiiiiieeeee! And as always your attention to every detail keeps me in awe - these stairs in the background are alreaday amazing.

    And speaking of amazing - the border looks beautiful! What a difference now after the bow fabric is tight in place and the leaves too. The connection from the wall to the ceiling is already perfect and 3-dimensional as this kind of border is (and I may judge this because I've visited a lot of churches in Bavarian Baroque style *smile*). However, I think adding a few painted leaves will add even more depth... and let's not forget you are the right artist for this kind of job. ;O)

