Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Gray Paint....


 And White Stitches...

It Was a Busy weekend in my RL, Dear Readers, and it feels as though Nothing at all was accomplished in my many Many ongoing projects. But when I look carefully at my photos from the weekend, I am reminded that a little bit of progress was made in  The Lord's Chamber. The Window seat "rocks" got a coat of gray paint!

It does bring them a step closer to looking like
 the rocks they are pretending to be!
And in between myriad other RL tasks,
 I did find a moment or two to try to fit a few more pieces
 into the ceiling and wall framework on the side with the stairs.

The corner of the wall that encloses the stairs needs some sort of trim...
I am trying this piece, but not sure yet if it will be the one...

And there needed to be another "rock" support along the ceiling edge... 
which you can see I have cut and fitted in the above picture.
This wall still needs a lot of trimming and "structuring".
But that was the grand total of my "rock" work for the weekend!

As for the White Stitching,
 I spent a good deal of my morning when the light is at it's best,
 adding the "white" stitches to the carpet I am working on.
 The color is called "putty" and it is so similar
 to the color of the canvas that it is really difficult
 to see where you have stitched!

Can you see what I mean?
All the lozenges need white stitches in their outer edges.

Can you see which ones have been done?
Because It was so difficult to see the stitches from the cloth,
 I decided to tackle it only in the clear morning light.

And here you can see I have added
 almost all the white for the entire carpet.
There is a single narrow edging band
 that will have white and gold stitches, 
but I will do it much later after I have
 worked the central section.
And that's all I got done on my weekend, Dear Readers,
A tiny bit of Gray painting and a
 Whole lot of white stitching!
(Well, and a fair amount of Rose stitching too!)


  1. The photos of The Lord's Chamber are so grand Betsy! They really give the viewer a feel for being in the space and for all the detail that you put into every project you take on. The double arches in the ceiling are wonderful, and I am excited to see what you do for the ceiling in here!

    And I am impressed with the amount of stitching you've accomplished in a week in spite of being pulled away for other responsibilities! The difference in being able to see well is so profound, so I am hoping you'll get great sunlight every morning that you have a chance to work on the putty!

    Hopefully, this week, you will feel as though you have time for every task and pleasure that you want to indulge in!

  2. Hi Betsy,

    The 'putty' is indeed to make out against the canvas. Luckily there is not much of that colour in this carpet.

    And although you are not satisfied over the progress it is way more than I have done the last few weeks. So I am still amazed to see what you have managed to do here!

    Let us hope RL is not so demanding this week for the both of us. I would love to get something done in miniature.


  3. Oh by the way, what I forgot to say was, that the lord's bedchamber, being in the top of the tower, could also have a wooden celing with beams and all. The still unpainted ceiling and ceiling support along the wall gave me this idea.

    The roof of the tower could be of wood clad in zinc. A construction strong enough for the lord and his soldiers to walk over it in case of an assault or a siege. And quite common in medieval castles. The construction was lighter and cheaper than stone, And the metal cladding (or slate if that was available) protected the rooms below against not only rain, but also against fire caused by incendiary's hurled onto it by catapult or trebuchet.

    This would give you the liberty to give the Bedchamber a (painted) fllat wooden ceiling cansisting of planks supported by beams. The addition of colour would also give the lord's bedroom some additional grandeur.

    I just wanted to share that thought with you. :-)

  4. Ya lo creo que se van viendo los avances!!!

  5. I have a feeling that it's once more time to thank you so much for always giving me a broad smile whenever you're talking about how little you've achieved in the meantime and then showing how much you've done. ;O)

    Your stitching progress is amazing, especially regarding the difficult conditions when stitching white on white... eh... putty on white. It IS visible in your pictures - but it still leaves me with a good impression how much you had to concentrate while doing this. I bet putting the rose threads into your needle made you happy in a wink of an eye.

    And again I've enjoyed looking into the Lord's chamber - it's such a pleasure to study your awesome work and to discover all the details and the accuracy of your work. Oh, and I'm looking forward to the next time when you'll be making only little progress... *tweet*


  6. It's incredible how much you achieved with your stitches and the carpet is coming along very beautiful. I love the colors. This carpet will be perfect for any room, ancient or modern.
    As for the Lord's bedroom, I'm awed every time I look at it. The castle is a museum masterpiece done by an artist painter.
    Hugs, Drora
